Scientists: At Least 49 Pairs Should Start A Trip To The Nearest Exoplanet


If humanity decided one day to send a spacecraft to the closest planet to our solar system, its crew should be at least 49 pairs, estimated by two French scientists

The Travel to Proxima Centauri B, the closest known exoplanet. Years

To live forever in an exoplanet, the crew should live in a spaceship for many generations and multiply there. For this reason, 98 people should begin their journey, writes Frederic Marin of the University of Strasbourg and Camille Beluff of the research firm CASC4DE in the journal Journal of the British Interplanetary Society

The choice of the crew should focus on several issues: age and life expectancy. fertility rates and spatial capabilities. In addition, strict rules would be necessary for life in the spaceship, the number of births should be determined each year. Using computer simulations, scientists rejected incest and "allowed" to propagate only 32 to 40 crew members so that offspring were genetically healthy.

In the study, scientists included a possible catastrophic event of 2, 5 thousand. a year that would require 30% of the life of the crew members. However, uncertainties remain, such as the effect of cosmic radiation on the crew.

Proxima Centauri B bypbades the Proxima Centauri star, which departs from Earth about 4.2 light-years away. Light is the distance that light reaches during the year, it corresponds to 9.5 trillion.

However, before such a mission, it remains to determine if the planet can reside completely, emphasize the authors.

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