Scientists have found an effective way to turn carbon dioxide into useful products


Electrocatalysts are the first substance, with the exception of enzymes, capable of converting more than 99% of carbon dioxide and water into inter-human materials. efficiency

Two products – methylglioxal (C3) and 2,3-furaldehyde (C4) – can be used to replace plastics, glues and pharmaceutical preparations. Toxic formaldehyde can be replaced by methylglyoxal, which is safer.

"Our discovery can lead to the conversion of carbon dioxide into useful products and raw materials used in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries," said study director Charles Dismuke.

In the past, scientists have shown how carbon dioxide can be converted electrochemically into methanol, ethanol, methane and ethylene. However, such a process is quite inefficient and too expensive to market something for it.

However, by using five inexpensive and widely available nickel and phosphorus catalysts, scientists can electrochemically convert carbon dioxide and water into many carbon-based products.

The selection of the catalyst and other conditions determine the number of carbon atoms that will be combined into a single derivative, as well as the longer molecule and polymers to be created. In general, the longer the carbon chain, the more valuable the product.

Based on the results of their work, the researchers patented the electrocatalysts and set up a starter – the company RenewCO2. In addition, researchers will seek to learn about the underlying chemical processes in place to produce more valuable products, such as those widely used in the polymer industry for diols or hydrocarbons that can be used as fuels renewable.

The results of the study were published in the journal Energy & Environmental Science.

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