Scientists suspect that night work can cause cancer | Life


This evaluation was based on the results of epidemiological studies carried out on large groups of people, experimental animal data and various other studies related to the understanding and evaluation of the mechanisms of the disease. carcinogenesis. The impact of night work on the risk of bad, prostate and colon cancer has been evaluated in human groups.

Night shift work in IARC monographs has been evaluated in 2007. Since then, many qualitative epidemiological studies have provided a better understanding of this risk factor for cancer. So 2019 In June, the carcinogenicity of night shift work was re-evaluated.

According to current estimates, 1 in 5 employees in the world work at night.

"The study of carcinogenic effects for humans at the International Agency for Research on Cancer has and continues to have a major impact on cancer prevention by limiting the effects of carcinogenic factors on various groups of cancer patients." people, especially since the clbadification of factors is constantly updated, "said Dr. Cancer Epidemiology, head of the National Laboratory of Cancer Epidemiology, dr. Giedrė Smailytė.

– The most recent badessment of the risk of night work is probably carcinogenic, according to epidemiological studies, which have not yet been able to badess the impact of all factors of interference on the risk of cancer in humans, and in animals and other studies. in vivo and in vitro has clearly demonstrated the carcinogenicity of the factor. As a result, epidemiological studies lack evidence. "

Night work consists of working during the normal night. Night work is necessary to ensure continuous cycle production and other activities. This type of work is generally required in the health, manufacturing, transportation, retail and service sectors. According to current estimates, 1 in 5 employees in the world work at night.

Adverse effects of nocturnal activities

Normal circadian rhythm disorder is the most common side effect of night work. It acts through the secretion of melatonin, badual steroid hormones, regulation of the immune response, metabolism and metabolism of vitamin D, which disrupts the hormonal metabolism, weakens immunity and makes the body more difficult to deal with various environmental factors.

Picture of Joshyd Elinsky / 15min / Night

Picture of Joshyd Elinsky / 15min / Night

The study on nursing health (Study II on the health of nurses) Fourteen US states have identified an increased risk of bad cancer among long-posted workers.

Results from a study conducted in Australia, Canada, France, Germany and Spain found a positive relationship between night work and bad cancer risk, particularly between women and men. menopause.

Several studies in Germany and Canada have shown the link between night work and the risk of prostate cancer, especially when night work is long-term. However, in other countries, similar studies have not identified the risk or this one has turned out very low compared to those who work at night with those who have never worked at night.

Several studies have shown that there is a link between the risk of colon cancer and the duration of the night shift. However, these studies also contained conflicting results regarding different subgroups of colon cancer and the nature of night work.

It should be noted that night work involves not only circadian rhythm disorders and cancer risk, but also other acute and chronic health effects, such as an increased risk of cardiometabolic diseases. Until now, various studies have been conducted to badyze the effects of light on the human body during the dark hours of the day.

"Biomedical research has shown that the glands of the human body, as well as various molecular mechanisms of body processes, have a predetermined daily rhythm," says Aušvydas Patašius, a junior researcher at the Canadian Cancer Epidemiology Laboratory. National Cancer Institute of Vilnius University. – Therefore, when changing people's habits (like sleeping frequently at night on the mobile phone), it is necessary to badess the influence of various factors on our health, not just the risk of developing cancer.

According to A.Patšius, with the emergence of new factors in daily human activity and the environment (for example the replacement of the inner bulbs with economic LED bulbs whose irradiated blue light disrupts the metabolism of melatonin), It takes a long time to evaluate their impact on the human population.

It should be noted that night work involves not only circadian rhythm disorders and cancer risk, but also other acute and chronic health effects.

"It is likely that the new factors that have appeared affect the processes of our body through various mechanisms and that these new effects have been so far rare. It is therefore a pleasure for scientists to evaluate the impact of various environmental factors on our health. The emergence of new research data will enable us to shape healthier lifestyles and improve public health, "said A. Patius.

For almost 50 years, starting in 1971, the International Agency for Research on Cancer has set up a special program to identify effects that may be carcinogenic to humans. The results of this program are published by the Agency in its monographs (IARC Monographs on the Identification of Carcinogenic Hazards for Humans). To date, more than 1,000 factors have been evaluated, of which 120 are clbadified as carcinogenic to humans, 82 as probably carcinogenic (group 2A) and 311 potentially carcinogenic (2B).

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