Secretly married rapper Cardi B is already rocking his first birthday


Couple is the first common child. Laughter was born yesterday, July 10th. The mother of the girl told me about the Instagram social network, where she shared an awesome pregnancy photo this morning.

It is interesting that last month it appeared that Cardi B and the father of his beloved daughter were secretly

"That's why I called my album" Invasion of Privacy "Because people love to put their nose in your life," said the 25-year-old singer previously published on the social network Twitter

. It turns out that the secret wedding ceremony took place 10 months ago

"There are so many moments in life that I share with the whole world, so there are times that I want to keep for Marier was one of those cases! Our relationship was like a new divorce and a reconciliation, we had to grow up, but we were so in love that we did not want to get lost, so one September morning we were woke up and decided to get married, "said the rapper

. the way of talking about the fact that their babies will be born into a single family

The rumors about the marriage of the B card began to spread after his beloved BET expressed their gratitude to God and his wife [19659008] websites, traditional media or elsewhere, or distribute our material in any form whatsoever without consent, and if consent is obtained, it is necessary to indicate DELFI as the source.

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