Seibutis from Klaipeda goes to Zaragoza


Adas Juškevičius and Martynas Gecevičius defended this crew a few years ago

For Renaldo himself, Spain is also not a new country. R. Seibutis 2008-2010

Last season, Tecnyconta (10/24) finished only 16th in the tournament and remained in the ACB league through the hair

At that time, Seibutis was One of the leaders of Neptune and in the LKL championship they scored an average of 13.3 points.

"Quality and Perimeter Experience Welcome to Renaissance Seibuti!" – Tecnyconta Welcomes Official Twitter Account

OFICIAL | Renaldas Seibutis, calidad y experiencia para el perímetro de Basket Zaragoza. Welcome! #Saintzaragosas #SOMMOSBasketZaragoza ? # AúpaT – Tecnyconta Zaragoza (@BasketZaragoza) July 17, 2018

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