Settlement in a fraud case: Mios gave her husband freedom until the first mistake


The Klaipėda District Court issued a verdict against four men who had a smart enrichment plan. Among them – the wife of the famous artist Vilija Pilibaitytė Mijas

Created a smart plan

Two people were named as the organizers of criminal activities – three times a 51-year-old man, a former director from the Blood Donation Center Arthur Jonas Venslauskas and a 35-year-old Nerijus Antanavičius, Klaipėda, currently living in Vilnius

Their accomplices – two young men – Darius Petrutis and Simonas Paulauskas, director of the company "Geldara".

The enrichment plan was not entirely new.

These men acquired shares in an operating company, supported their accounting records and scanned electronic card readers, but had no intention of exercising any any activity.

Companies had to deceive telecommunications companies and banks. He was hoped and tried to seize hundreds of thousands of euros and expensive goods.

The company merged into a criminal group using data from 25 foreign citizens and a Lithuanian bank card. People did not suspect that foreigners had ever bought or were planning to buy trailers and other expensive items

Demonstrate Bankers

The gang hit was noticed by specialists DNB banks. Concerned about the legality of the financial transactions, they blocked the accounts used by the suspects who were locked up in the name of the company that was used for the purpose of committing crimes.

Up to now, they had managed to capture more than 8 thousand. euro The money was paid by the accomplices the same day.

The men tried to twist about 200 thousand dollars from the DNB bank.

The same scheme of fraud was applied to the bundle Swedbank

The account of the non-performing company was inflated to nearly 5,000 Euro, and in total wanted to support nearly 38 thousand.

A court sentenced yesterday by the Klaipėda District Court for grotesque charges of embezzlement of valuable foreign property by fraud, manipulation of foreign bank cards and accounts, the defendants faced a real prison sentence [19659016].

In the absence of evidence that he was involved in fraudulent conduct against Swedbank, this man was acquitted on three counts.

However, he remained behind bars for having been the subject of an earlier conviction. 5 years of imprisonment.

This man sentenced a man to a sentence in the Siauliai interrogation detention center.

He succumbed to freedom

N. Antanavicius, who led the famous artist in 2015.

Mia was sentenced to six months' imprisonment, but her execution was postponed for three years.

The judge seized of the case noted that this man had been sentenced to imprisonment for the first time. Knowing that the delay in such a sentence is more motivated by the fact that he was no longer sick or sent to the bars, it was decided to allow the young man to repair himself.

N. Antanavicius was previously at the forefront of the conflict. When the incident was committed and victim, the Vilnius District Court dismissed the criminal responsibility of N. Antanavičius, but he quickly reprimanded him and, therefore, he was sentenced to death for a injury

D.Petručius He was sentenced to two years' imprisonment and his execution was postponed for two years

S. Paulauskas learned that he was serving a sentence of two years and three months in prison and that the sentence had been postponed for two years. The three convicts of the Foundation for Victims of Crime will have to pay several hundred euros in two months within two months.

Computers and phones used by men to commit a crime are recognized as a criminal tool and confiscated. , v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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