Spanish working in Lithuania: "Žalgiriai prieš" Sevilą "neturėtų jokių galimybių" | Sport


Spain was led by Utena teams last season but was forced to withdraw when the Spanish remix Ukonio ended with a flop and the club decided to Abandon League A.

Estadio Deportivo talked about the former Utenio strategist who is currently working at the Alcala club

According to the coach, the Žalgiris club of 39, Andalusia would be an easy prey

. According to D.Campana, "Zalgiris" is a level similar to that of the second Spanish division or the strongest team of the third division. "Football is the second most popular sport in Lithuania and the difference between the three strongest and the others." "Žalgiris" stands out in Lithuanian, is a physically strong team, but for the Sevilla team this is n & rsquo; Is not a competitor "- confident Spanish

D. Campana mentioned that he has good relations with Aurelijus Scarbalius, who trained the Zalgiris early in the season The goal of Žalgiris is still to win the A league, but "Sūduva" surprised him last year and caught up unexpectedly, "said D.Campana

. A championship chance for the champions of victory – standard situations

" This is a very strong team that may endanger episodes and standard angles, but Sevilla could really take advantage of Zalgiris' mistakes in defense. I can not imagine how the Lithuanian club could overcome Sevilla. In the Lithuanian league, it's a very respectable team, but the European Cup is a very different race, "said the Spaniards.

Among the most dangerous zalgirists, D. Campana has named Diego Oyarzun, Chilean defender currently traumatized

"I do not know what" Zalgiris "might surprise a Sevilla team."

"I do not know what" Zalgiris "might surprise a Sevilla team. I think the people of Vilnius are Ujpest or even lower. Yes, the team plays on an artificial blanket, but I do not think it will cause any problems, "says D. Campana

Sevilla plays with Budapest Ujpest in the second European qualifying round and wins the first house in 4: 0

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