Sterling reacts to vote on Brexito – investors look at worst-case scenarios


The pound hit its all-time low in two years after the British government's proposal to pull out of the European Union on Tuesday was rejected, but the currency quickly recovered, as traders thought that 39, there would still be no withdrawal "without contract".

Although the Asian pound has weakened somewhat, many badysts have predicted a huge slowdown.

Th. May, Wednesday, will win a vote of no confidence, but it will begin to discuss the way forward.

Analysts say Th. May may request a postponement of the UK's retirement on March 29, which will attempt to reach the best deal possible with colleagues from the European Union. There is speculation about general elections or even another referendum.

"He is now moving away from the" difficult "opportunity of Brexito and steers towards other choices such as the postponement or the second referendum.This is a book", said Gavin Friend of the National Bank of Australia.

The rally in the Asian stock market on Wednesday was controversial after Tuesday's rally, fueled by China's plans to cut taxes and boost a tough economy.

Merchants also feared that the US government would close for the fourth week and that no agreement can be reached so far.

The Tokyo stock index has lost 0.7%. his value. The Hong Kong stock index fell 0.2%. 2 percent jump Tuesday. The Shanghai Stock Index also fell 0.2%.

The Sydney Stock Index rose 0.1%. The Singapore and Seoul stock indexes increased their value by 0.2%. The Wellington stock index rose 0.5%.

Investors are now preparing for the start of the corporate announcement season and fear that the trade war between China and the United States will weaken financial ratios.

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