T. Švedkauskas, the hero of Trakai, who decides on a last sentence: "I knew where he was fighting" | Sport


T.Svedkauskas was considered one of the most promising Lithuanian footballers five years ago and was one of the longest Italian clubs in the world for five seasons, "T. Švedkauskas was five "Roma Academy

Although Apenninai did not make a Suvalkian career, on Thursday night he again remembered himself.

"I think the result is regular, at the beginning of the game they had an initiative, but we controlled the pace of the game, the two teams played, but they did not use them, now everything is going to be in a responsible match ", – the match was badyzed by the goalkeeper" Trakai ".

– You become a hero of the match, after pushing a penalty at the end of the duel. Have you badyzed your opponents before the match, where could they hit at this time? – We asked T. Shvedkausko

– I almost knew where he was fighting. Spells and flair turned out to be true

– What feelings did this episode follow?

– The emotions, of course, were good. Such episodes are very important emotionally, but most of all, at the end of the match, when the rival tightened us, we maintained a positive result

– What does it take for a Trakai trip? in Kazakhstan ends?

I believe that we must continue to respect the discipline of the game in the same way. I want to speed up the movement of the ball, and in the end a bit of aggression and success

– What did you think your defenders were doing in this match?

– Of course, yes. We did not miss the goal and did a good job. It is always possible to play better in one episode or another, but it is very important that we have equality and do not miss the goal.

– What was the mood after the match in the locker room – more happy or sad?

– The emotion is ambiguous. If we missed this penalty even at the end of the match, the atmosphere would certainly have been bad. Now the result is not bad. But we also had a good chance of winning.

– Are rivals surprised?

– It is clear that this is a set of strong players individually, but a lot of chaos in their game has also been seen. There have been some episodes where Irtyš footballers have quarreled and did not know what to do. They do not go through the national championship yet, so the team spirit may fall.

– What's a favorite against a match?

– The chances of both teams are equal.

Vicuna, a Spanish football specialist trained by his trainer, Trakai. In his opinion, the team of Trakai is not worse than the Kazakh.

"The match was very difficult and even, I think the result is regular, because both teams had opportunities, we had a lot of chances in the second half, unfortunately we did not use them. the second part of the game really did. Score 0: 0? We have not changed it and it's a little boring, but it's very important that we do not have it Now the question of this actor remains open – everything will be decided in Kazakhstan, but we really have chances ", – said the Trakai recently taken over by the Spaniard.

Asked what could be a recipe for a successful match, Spain was convinced that its students had the same discipline as in Vilnius.

"I am happy with the appearance of my team, I see that the team is more and more confident every day, the punishment is also reflected, we have at least the same chances as rivals ", – Vicuna convinced.

  Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min nuotr / Vicuna and Virmantas Lemežis

Vidmantas Balkūnas / 15min nuotr / Vicuna and Virmantas Lemežis

Nevertheless, the image of the Kazakh team in the game will be greatly changed. First, because of the fact that "Irtysh" arrived in Vilnius without the leader of his attacks and the most successful player, Gbolahan Salami.

The Pavlodar rifle was recently taken over by former Dimitrov Dimitrov, Razgrad strategist Ludogorec, but the club has not yet managed to settle all the formalities of registration, so Oiratas Saduov was officially in Vilnius for the guests.

The stadium teams showed a good game. The result is correct. We could win because we had to score a penalty, but the opponents also had good chances. This result satisfies us, because the response battle is waiting at home, but I do not think it will be easier. Trakai has already turned out to be a very well prepared team in this match. The second game, I hope, will be different. First, because we will be able to help the main striker, "said O.Saduov

The second match" Trakai "is waiting for a hot deal not only on the spot. According to the coach, Pavlodar warms up to 33-35 degrees in those days

"We are playing late into the evening, so the heat will not be so unbearable," smiles Irtych's strategist [19659029] (function () {
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