Teachers do not withdraw: Petrauskiene will stay overnight in the ministry


About three dozen teachers left Wednesday at the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) on Wednesday with no real discussions with the minister.

"We are waiting, maybe the minister will come back," said Wednesday evening Erika Leiputė-Stundžienė, vice president of the Lithuanian Union of Education Workers.

According to her, about three dozen teachers remained at the ministry. They gather in the college hall.

"The water has recently come to an end," said a spokeswoman for the union.

After several hours of work, several employees of the ministry remained in the building, NOMED representative NOMED Barauskiene told NBS.

According to E. Leiputė-Stundžienė, the minister had arranged for several minutes that day, asked the teachers and left.

The Lithuanian Union of Education Workers, which launched the endless educational strike, is seeking to negotiate with the Minister of Education and Science, Jurgita Petrauskiene.

The union criticizes the ministry's proposals to revise the teacher compensation model introduced in September.

The ministry announced that the proposals had been prepared last week by meeting the leaders of the Lithuanian union of education workers and other education unions, but the union strike leader Andrius Navickas accused the ESM of not taking into account his requirements.

The union demands, among other things, to increase teachers' salary ratios or reduce clbades. She also says that the teacher should have 36 hours a week, of which no more than 18 hours of contact.

One union states that the teaching position can only be divided by maintaining the same proportion of the number of contact hours and contactless hours. The number of hours per year should be calculated not for the year, but for the week.

Navick accused the ministry of deliberately delaying the negotiations.

Deputy Minister of Education and Science, Gražydas Kazakevičius, told reporters that decisions regarding union requirements would only be possible on Thursday, when ministerial talks with Navickas and other organizations representing teachers will take place.

Part-time teacher strikes continue during the third week.

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