The 18-year-old Lithuanian made comparisons with Paul Jankun


In the first victory of the U-18 European Basketball Championship, Simas Jarumbauskas, who was married to Lithuania, makes comparisons with Paul Jankun

"I thought that P. Jankūnas was playing too old at the U-18 "championship.

The Lithuanian national team started playing in the championship on Saturday after a spectacular 92:87 Serbian defeat.

Jarumbauskas was a team leader. The basketball player scored 19 points in the 21st minute, defeated six balls, made four performances and scored 21 points. The 18th anniversary of the game hit 12 times, hit five. The goal was reached by seven fines of 12.

On Sunday, the Lithuanians will meet the Montenegrin team.

S. Jarumbauskas spent last season in the Vilnius team "Lietuvos rytas" to "Pearl". The invader of the National Basketball League scored seven points, 3.9 rebounds and 7.9 points on average for 19 minutes in 19 minutes.

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