The actor Aaron Paul confesses: his wife is not a fan of his love scenes with his colleagues | names


Aaron Paul, a star of the television series "Rising Evil", talked about his latest film, the thriller Welcome Home, and a delightful scene with his colleague Emily Ratajkowski.

"I'm sure she's not very happy when bad scenes appear on the screen, but she understands and reads the storyline that fell in love with this story, and she's a real lover of Emily. Not only her actress, but what Emily represents, she really loves him, "said the 39-year-old actor about his wife's attitude towards cameras.

At the same time, Emily Ratajkowski admitted that her husband, Sebastian Bear-McClard, had not seen this movie yet.

"We will know what it is in my first time! – said the actress, asked to present the opinion of her husband." – But we were not together at the time of filming. And honestly, I think there are a few things to say … In fact, the main theme of the film is voyeurism, and voyeurism can be extremely hot! "

Aaron Paul and Emily Ratajkowski play a couple who, in order to preserve their relationship, rent a house in an Italian village, but the owner of the house has prepared a malicious plan for his guests. Slowly, the young woman finds herself in a game of cat and mouse dangerous, bady and mysterious. It is difficult to understand when and where it all started and the most frightening end of this strange game.

Photo Scanpix / Aaron Paul with his wife Lauren

Photo Scanpix / Aaron Paul with his wife Lauren

Yet, in real marriages, both actors spend the happiest years of their lives.

"It's a true love.I feel lucky to get up every morning next to Lauren.Just remember why you fell in love with love," Aaron Paul thinks.

"I could not say better," said Emily Ratajkowski, a colleague.

"You can not choose the people you love, it's a transcendent and magical experience, but when you talk to a person, friends, family, but especially your partner, you have to work for that, so I think keeping this magic feeling is important, "says the actress.

VIDEO: HOUSING HOUSE | At the cinema on December 7th | Official announcement [HD] | 2018

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