The actor Olga Polevikova became the director of Lithuanian Drama Theater


As reported by the Ministry of Culture, O. Polevikova obtained the highest score among the eleven competitors

During the competition, the five-year program of the theater proposed by the candidates and the interview with the commission have been evaluated. Polevikova is at the head of his vocal and action center in Vilnius. O. Polevikova shares his experience with students of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, performing professionals and participants in international creative workshops at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater [19659003]. The commission was composed of seven members: Chancellor of the Ministry of Culture Laizas Ubavičius, Deputy Minister of Culture Gintautė Žemaitytė, Ramunė Balevičiūtė-Liugienė Theater, Goda Dapšytė, Daiva Šabasevičienė, Advisor of the Division of Investment Management of the Ministry of Culture Rimvydas Dilba culture, Department of National Minorities. Head of the Rasa Paliukienė Division

According to the Ministry, the person who has collected the most points in the selection will always be verified by the relevant institutions as prescribed by law.

The term of office of the leader of the new theater -. Five years

dramatic Russian Director unsuccessfully searched twice. The competitions did not take place because the candidates, according to the selection boards, did not collect at least 60%.

In previous competitions at the Russian Drama Theater, the interest was less: the first time five, the second – eight candidates

The director was sought after for this theater after the end of the director's long-term Office Manager Jonas Vaitkus. He was charged with inappropriate badual behavior.

J. The silence of the prosecution is dismissed, but informed publicly, the more the post is not turned to the future. Currently, he is the director of the theater, temporarily headed by Deputy Deimantas Šatikas.

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