The author of the blog for mothers S. Šveikauskaitė: "My child receives both candy and a phone"


An excellent example of this is the "Babyblog" blog, in which a woman successfully shares a variety of tips for her mother and does not intend to stop. Inspired by motherhood, S. Šveikauskaitė dreams boldly – new projects are in preparation.

Soter, who participated in the contest "Mis Lietuva 2011", student in Switzerland, studying a model for a job, was waiting for you for a career as a lawyer. What led to a return to Lithuania and a different type of activity?

Back inspired by love. When I was on vacation in Lithuania, I met my future husband and it was love at first sight. We flew away, then we had to decide to come to Switzerland or to return to Lithuania. Since he had a business in Lithuania, we decided to come back and create a family here. I've always wanted to be a young mother. As we had expected, it happened – I came back when I was 23 years old and I was born.

How was your very popular Babyblog blog born? Was born a girl born of her?

A new activity, of course, was also triggered by the birth of a girl. Before that, I was very active, there were many everywhere, and when I closed my daughter at home, I started to lose a lot of my activity. My daughter was a very allergic child and had a lot of illness, I had an intense interest in the composition of all products. My friends saw this and began to question everything because I could not write to everyone, I just put it in the same place online and I called it "Babyblog". I started writing when my daughter was 3-4 months old, I created a blog and I recovered again. So I started communicating with people again, with other mothers, my blog has taught me something new, brought only pleasant changes, but also new friendships.

How do you think the secret to the success of your blog?

I did not know how to write it, so I wrote very simply as if I was talking to my best friend. Probably, it was a good thing for other moms, because during the week there were a thousand followers, and already five thousand in a month. There, in Lithuania, there was not yet a blog in order to review the products, to evaluate what was loved for me and my daughter, I was the pioneer of these blogs . His success is probably this sincerity, this simplicity and just love for this activity.

Do you consider yourself a perfect mother?

Gink, God, no, I really make mistakes and learn from these mistakes! My child really has candies, cookies and a phone. I do not grow my child in a golden cage. If you fall to the ground and you are trapped, I certainly do not fall to him: "I swim in my daughter, I am in the poor." I say, "Get up, is not it, everything is fine, it will pbad." I try to tighten it up and learn to be strong, independent. My perfect mother is not really, and I do not think I'll be there anymore. But I really hope that I will be an example for my daughter and she will want to be a mother like me.

We often hear that mom has almost no free time. What do you do when you have at least half an hour for yourself?

In general, women will never have as much time as before becoming a mother. It was very difficult for me at first. You must always look, you are always under pressure, which is sometimes very tedious. For this reason, I think every mother should keep in mind. If you want to have the time, you can really find it.

More recently, you have become the smartest ambbadador of Samsung Galaxy S9 I photograph hundreds of pictures every day, your smartphone everywhere and always

I have loved my pictures since my childhood. , wanted a beautiful aesthetic image. I first photographed with a simple phone, the quality was really not the best. Later, I bought the camera, but I realized that it is not always possible to wear it – weigh a lot more than the phone, and the only thing I can do is to buy it. child is often in unexpected situations, and when the device does not work. I will follow the latest technological innovations, so I have found a compromise and I am currently using a high quality camera with smart. With a young child, you want cinematics in motion, beautiful and vibrant photos. I always say that it is necessary to memorize children's moments in order to have something to look at in the future.

Many modern mothers, carrying pictures of children on social networks, cover their faces with various images? What do you think?

In fact, I've been set up to not bring my child to the blog. Many spoke of various prejudices. However, I started thinking that blog would not be so interesting and colorful if I did not take pictures of my daughter. I think everything depends on the approach. People like beautiful, positive pictures, and kids are the most lucrative people. I do not see anything wrong here, if a person does not want it, it does not happen. But if he likes that, he admires his child and wants to enjoy it with others, so it comes!

Be an extremely active woman, what projects do they shoot in your mind?

Now, my projects are a new project "I am the beautiful mother". I will give free photo shoots to all mothers who want it because everyone does not have the opportunity to do a professional photo shoot. It's like a social project – take care of mothers with children and have beautiful, bright images.

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