The CEC takes "Ladies' Summer": V.Semeška asked L.Matjošaitytė, L.Ulevičius – V.Semeškas cancellation


The CEC conclusions were to be discussed last week, but this was not done by the head of the working group Svetlana Misevičienė. This member of the CEC is always sick. Darius Beinoravicius, who is retiring from the CEC, is also absent from Tuesday's meeting.

Jonė Valčiukienė, LSSR CEC delegate member, withdrew and was not present at the hearing.

Vilius Semeška, a member of the CEC, delegated by the Conservatives, asked whether Laura Matjošaitytė, CEC president, could meet at Ramūnas Karbauskis last week and have heard comments on the conclusion on "l & # 39; was women "

L.Matjošaitytė that he did not speak with R.Karbauskis of this investigation, only wrote a report on the next violation of the party.

"Perhaps there is a manual on conspiracy theories, because we hear something new," says L.Matjošaitytė.

They did not approve the referral committee.

LUAU's representative, Liutauras Ulevičius, asked that V.Semeška be suspended. According to L.Ulevicius, the member of the CEC does not respect the principle of impartiality and expresses a preliminary opinion on the question under discussion

"V.Semeška is clearly biased and uses his powers to defend the interests of his represented party ", explained L.Ulevicius

. V.Semeška contributed to the censorship of the complaint and expressed a preliminary opinion on the newspaper "Women of the Earth", demanding to investigate the action "Save Men". V. Semeška is also biased, participating in events of conservative political unrest.

Watch the CEC meeting directly:

VIDEO: Live broadcast of the CEC meeting 2018-07-17 (09:00)

The CEC has evaluated the 5th series (presented in 2014), 6th (shown in 2015) and seventh (shown in 2016) seasons, and found that the entire series could not be considered a political advertisement, but its separate episodes are the hidden ban political advertising. Admittedly, the Criminal Injury Working Group does not suggest that the Criminal Code should admit the illegal support of "Agrokonkerno" to the LSSR, and that the logo of the LSSR and the series does not are not identical and the main character of R.Karbauskas. The similarity, according to the CEC working group, is just random. and TV3 foto / Aurimas Žvinys and Ramūnas Karbauskis and TV3 nuotr. / Aurimas Žvinys and Ramūnas Karbauskis

The series is not promotional

It was determined that the uncontrolled and banned political advertising of the PLACE was shown in the series when the heroes of the series were talking about the fight against alcoholism, gambling addiction. In addition, the working group stated that it was not established that serial hero emissions on issues related to shale gas and others " peasants "would be political advertising. It is true that the opinions of the members of the working group have been differentiated because of these episodes, which means that the whole commission will have to decide.

There is no objective data that voters spontaneously and mbadively identify Pijah with R. Karbauskis in the Seimas elections until 2016.

The group notes that advertising in the series was only from 0.11 to 1.76 percent. Therefore, it is concluded that the entire series can not be recognized as a political advertisement.

"All the more so as there is no objective evidence that voters before the 2016 Sejm elections spontaneously and mbadively identified Pius with R. Karbauskis (such as competing political parties). reports to the CEC, articles on investigative journalism / reporting, mbad comments in Internet forums), as well as the fact that R. Karbauskas or the LSSR conducted a campaign to identify, identify or recognize Pius with R. Karbauskis that the purpose of the Serial was to promote R. Karbauskas and / or LVS, agitated or otherwise influenced the voters to vote in favor of R. Karbauskas and / or the Supreme Council of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Lithuania for the 2014 elections -2016 ", – a positive conclusion in the project

According to the working group.

  Photo by Aleksandra Armoskaite / Presentation of the series "The summer of women" Ramūnas Karbauskis, Rolandas Skaisgirys </p>
<h2>  Agrokoncernas taught because the series corresponded to the values ​​of the owner </h2>
<p>  The CEC working group also states that "that the creation of the series was financed by the company" Agrokonkernas "R.Karbauskis, director of the LNZS, with the support of" Videometras "(in 2013 – LTL 400 000 (115 848 Eur) plus VAT, in 2014 – LTL 400 000 (EUR 115 848) plus VAT, In 2016 – EUR 100 000 plus VAT, in total – EUR 331 696 plus VAT) The purpose of creating the series was stipulated in the contracts: "To ensure that the TV project <..> is, in essence, a positive television series of positive emotions reflecting the economic, social and political aspects of the modern Lithuanian village aspects of the series, and the series format will model different situations, will allow to create the image necessary for the formation of public opinion, etc. t etc. </p>
<p>  The CEC concludes that the purpose of the series and the working groups during the series of the series remained unchanged </p>
<p>  "Agrokoncernas" supported the creation of the series as "the values ​​of humanity shown in the series corresponded to the values ​​of the directors and owners of the said company ". </p>
<p>  The CEC also received data that supported the creation of the Agrokoncernas series as "the values ​​of humanity shown in the series corresponded to the values ​​of the leaders and owners of the said company." </p>
<p>  R. Karbauskis, the president of the LSSR is the sole owner of Agrokoncernas. It should also be noted that he has directly contributed to the development of a serial script. </p>
<p>  However, after evaluating all of this, the LCR working group continues to badert that "despite the links between Agrokonkernas and other companies mentioned with R. Karbauskis, that the funds of Agrokoncernas, d & # 39; After the "videometers" transferred to the television series, were exclusively intended to announce R. Karbauskas as politician, president or candidate of the political party and / or the LSSR, that the series be convened for R. Karbauskas and / if the LSSR or otherwise wants to influence voters to vote in favor of the election of R. Karbauskas and / or LESU in the 2014-2016 elections. "</p>
<p>  The CEC Working Group declares that Agrokoncernas does not have a vote. has no basis for supporting the non-monetary victim of R. Karbauskas and / that the LSU or its funding by third parties </p>
<p>  "There is therefore no reason to badert that the USL has committed a violation flagrant law. "</p>
<p>  Nevertheless, R. Karba uskis has already stated <strong> that it would appeal to the court of any finding, even favorable to the LSSR. </strong></p>
<h2>  May have been the subject of an investigation even before the parliamentary elections </h2>
<p>  We recall that the working group on the series was set up in 2016. in the summer before the parliamentary elections. She finished the survey after the June elections in parliament. The conclusion reached by the working group was uploaded to the CEC's document management information system, but was not discussed. Laura Matjošaitytė, President of the CEC, said that this conclusion was not on the commission's agenda. </p>
<p>  The former task force investigated only on the seventh season "Women's Summer" and the study of the new composition of the CEC. </p>
<p>  The previous CEC working group was faced with the fact that Mr. Karbauskis had been appointed as sponsor of various events and projects, not legal persons who had provided badistance. One wonders if the provisions of the tax laws on the granting of aid are intact and whether the transfer of the collected materials to the Tax Inspectorate </p>
<p>  is envisaged, the events presented by R. Karbauskis in Agrokoncernas, which belonged to the politician in 2013-2016, were published. per million euros </p>
<p>  However, this year the CEC has decided not to contact the tax inspector because the inspection already explains the legitimacy of the support for the project. Agrokonkernas </p>
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