The central part of the Great Synagogue of Vilnius was found


The eighteenth-century Baroque green-brown baroque was discovered after an old school built by the Soviet government on a demolished synagogue in the 1950s. "Bima – the central part of the synagogue, where the rabbi usually reads the Torah and leads to worship just after the old kindergarten building built in 1952 ", – the press release reads.

The two-storey complex Baroque decoration was decorated with four Tokansky columns and eight Cornice.

The Great Synagogue of Vilnius was one of the most important Jewish centers from the late sixteenth century to the second.

The Nazi synagogue was burned down, the Soviet regime was compared to the land by the Soviet regime in the 1960s, a school was built there

Synagogue studies have been going on since 2011, funded by part by the Goodwill Compensation Fund for expropriated property of Jewish religious communities.

Archaeologists from Lithuania, Israel and the United States conduct investigations.

Archaeological research conducted this year by Dr. Jon Seligman (Israel's Cultural Heritage Service) and Justin Ratch (Cultural Heritage Conservation Force) focused on establishing the walls of the outer synagogue canyon and The opening of the Great Wall of the Great Synagogue

Bima was built in the 18th century. and was given to the synagogues by a famous Jewish patron who was known in the name of Yesod. The intricate baroque two-level decoration has been decorated with four Ascension pillars and eight Cornicheist style pillars. Portions of these pillars were also found during the search. The remains of the great Vilnius synagogue, the old Tora church of the Jewish community of Vilnius, until the Nazis pull the synagogue and later destroyed by the Soviets, are a historical discovery

. Pieces of Mikhailo (Ritual Baths)

These discoveries testify to the enormous potential of new archaeological possessions – it is likely that there were also more unique fragments of the Great Synagogue of Vilnius.

July 26th 2 pm On the archaeological research site of the Great Synagogue (Vokiečių 13 A) we invite you to familiarize yourself with the evidence of the survival of the unique religious heritage of Great Judaism.

The group of archaeologists who conducted the research of the complex of the Great Synagogue of Vilnius, Participation of Fain Kukliansky, President of the Mayor of the city, Remigijus Šimasšius, the Lithuanian Jewish community (Litvak) and the Public institution Geros Valio fondas

Work carried out with the badistance of Zenonas Baubonis (Cultural Heritage Conservation Forces, Lithuania), prof. Richard Freund (Hatford University, Connecticut, USA), prof. Harry Jol (University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, USA) and prof. Philip Reeder (Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, USA)

The project is funded in part by the Charity Fund for the project "Archaeological Research of the Great Synagogue of Vilnius and the Synagogue". Archaeological Research Project of the Great Synagogue of Vilnius and Shullhoyf -271/2017 (2) PR. The main partner of the project is the Lithuanian Jewish community (Litvak).

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