The chest being composed of many organs, the causes of the pain are very different. This is why chest pain is so common in adults.


Frequent chest pain as soon as he suspects heart dysfunction. According to the physician's cardiologist, Aurim Mikalauskas, it is normal for many patients prone to chest pain to worry about heart disease – they are common in our country and may be at the origin of sudden death. However, it is important to remember that chest pain is not always directly related to the heart.

Chest pain due to heart disease is rare in young people

The chest being composed of many organs, the causes of the pain are very different. This is why chest pain is so common in adults.

"If chest pain is not directly related to heart disease, the most common pain in the chest wall is due to an intercostal muscle, nerve diseases, cartilaginous riboside inflammation (kostochondritis), spine, as well as degenerative changes in the spine, shoulders, joint pathologies, gastrointestinal diseases (reflux or esophageal spasm, stomach upset), diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, pleurisy), gallstones of the stomach, rarely aortic diseases, "said the cardiologist.

Finding and identifying a source of pain is not an easy process – it's not enough to rely solely on the pain or the place. According to one specialist, chest pain is evaluated according to the strength, the factors of increase and decrease of pain, other symptoms and changes over time, as well as the age of the disease.

"Chest pain caused by ischemic heart disease (stable angina pectoris, myocardial infarction) or other serious illness rarely occurs in young people and is more likely to develop chest pain in the musculoskeletal system: various trauma, sprain Muscle inflammation, gastrointestinal pathology The older the age, the more likely the patient's chest pain is due to a cardiac pathology, "said Mikalauskas.

According to the physician's cardiologist, Aurim Mikalauskas, it is important to remember that the pain comes from physical activity, that it rests at rest, whether it lasts or not long. If you feel chest pain, always contact your doctor.

According to the physician's cardiologist, Aurim Mikalauskas, it is important to remember that the pain comes from physical activity, that it rests at rest, whether it lasts or not long. If you feel chest pain, always contact your doctor.

Chest pain can occur not only because of chest diseasesThe doctor warns that the pain of the surrounding areas (upper part of the shoulder, neck) and the upper part of the abdomen can spread to the chest and simulate chest pain. Sometimes the cause of chest pain is due to no pathology of the chest or surrounding areas, but is badociated with emotional tension, chronic fatigue or depression.

"It seems that the patient himself applies or is referred to a cardiologist because he thinks that the cause of chest pain is a disorder of the heart and blood vessels." This is not always the case – I remember the case where one of my patients was spitting on the Internet chest pain and was diagnosed with ischemic heart disease from the symptoms described, then a diagnosis was confirmed.I must admit that the symptoms of the patient were certainly similar to the symptoms of ischemic heart disease, but the diagnosis was not confirmed by special tests, and the reason for the correction of the patient's chest pain was the actual cause of the symptoms – a gastric cancer that tends towards the If the patient and I had believed the symptoms alone, without questioning the diagnosis, the real disease – the stomach cancer – would not have been identified and the pat "We would not have received the necessary treatment," says the cardiologist.

How to identify heart pain?

The most common chest pain is angina or angina pectoris, which often causes ischemic heart disease (stable angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, etc.).

"These pains can be misleading: in acute myocardial infarction, chest pain often affects the left side and, more rarely, pain in the right hand, which can spread to the lower jaw and cause pain in the This is because the pain in the heart extends to certain areas of the spinal cord, which also come from pain from other areas. The brain often does not recognize the pain caused by the pathology of the heart, especially when it is confronted with such pain, in which case we perceive "heart" pain as the most familiar, for example pain in the heart. shoulder or stomach and the erroneous search for a pathology in these areas, "says a specialist.

According to A. Mikalauskas, patients with angina tend to describe their pain as a feeling of aggravated severity, under pressure or simply difficult to understand, but it is extremely rare that pain is described as a sensation burning, trembling or burning.

"The duration of the pain is variable – if you have stable angina, the pain does not last more than 5 minutes (exceptionally, it can last up to 15-20 minutes), and in the case of a myocardial infarction, the duration of the pain is greater than 20 minutes.The typical localization of pain concerns the sternum, but not at any given time, because the pain can spread to the hands, neck or jaw. is caused by physical activity and, less frequently, by stress, and usually ends with an interruption of physical activity or taking nitroglycerin, sometimes with atypical pain, such as Stomach, which is manifested only by dyspnea.

More rarely, chest pain is due to inflammation of pericarditis, a disease that covers the heart. It is characterized by persistent pain behind the sternum, exacerbated by deep breathing, coughing, swallowing, and decreased palpitations. We often detect pericardial infections during the cold period, when the number of different infectious diseases increases ", – warns the doctor.

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