The choice between green and fully ripe bananas should be based on your health


Some people like bananas half dead, others are ripe to rumor. But is there a difference between these bananas? It turns out that this – and the choice of eating ripe or immature bananas should be based on their health, writes

This became apparent after the instagram on the social network showed a user of fitness_meals uploaded a photo of circle bananas reflecting virtually all sunburns on the scale. All bananas are numbered from 1 to 15: 1 at least, and 15 are the most mature bananas.

After this photo is asked: "What is your choice? I choose between 5 and 6". Instagram users immediately invited a discussion. Most of them ran from level 8 to 10, but several users preferred bananas from 4 to 7.

The Daily Mail appealed to British dietitian Rhiannon Lambert, who wrote the book Re -Nourish: A Simple Way to Eat Well "(" Nutrition Recovery: Easy Way to Eat Well ") and they asked if one type of banana is better than another.Lambert said that although bananas are a great source of potbadium and other nutrients, different levels of indigence have different benefits and the choice of bananas should be based on their health.

Ripe bananas have less sugar

Choose half of a banana, not good sunbaths.This is due to the fact that when starch is a banana, the starch starts to turn into sugar.Rub Lambert, The Daily Mail said: "Studies show that 80-90 percent of unpolluted bananas. Carbohydrates consist of starch which, when it comes to bananas, turns into free sugars. Therefore, it is advisable for people with diabetes to choose bananas that are not very ripe to increase their blood sugar.

However, too ripe bananas are easier to digest

On the other hand, slightly overripe bananas are very suitable for people with digestive problems. The Verge has reported that more tasty bananas have more hard starch, which is hard to digest, but is useful because he likes good intestinal bacteria.

Nicholas Gillitt, director of the Nutrition Institute, Dole Nutrition Research and Vice President Nutrition Research, Nicholas Gillitt told the publication that "bacteria are extracted with starchy substances". Similarly, Mr. Lambert, in The Daily Mail, said, "When starchy starch is turned into simple sugars, banana eclipses, and research suggests that it is easier to digest banana more sophisticated. "

An article by the Spoon University states that when the banana is almost completely brown, it means that all of its starch has become sugar and that the chlorophyll has acquired a new form. These bananas are very sweet – that's why softened bananas often use for cooking. "The degradation of chlorophyll is one of the reasons why banana is overused, it increases the amount of antioxidants," says the article. "So, bananas are a real antioxidant bomb."

Any selection of bananas is good

However, nutritionists agree that any banana is beneficial. Their nutritional value does not depend on the amount of sunburn. The only thing that changes is the taste of bananas and how your body reacts to sugars. So your decision on which bananas to eat depends largely on what you prefer.

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