The cinema center has distributed nearly 800 thousand. Euro, mainly received by "Three Women"


Maximum support – 100 thousand. The director of the film, "Inga", received 80,000 copies of the film "Three Women", produced by the director, Donatas Ulvydas, directed by the director, Donatas Ulvydas

. The Euro as a minority co-production film. After 60 thousand There will be a short film "The Old Rifle" (directed by Jacob Vilius Turas) and the creation of a minority production film "Gates to Heaven" (directed by Jivanas Avetisyanas), 54 thousand. Euro – for the long documentary "Prologos", directed by Mantas Kvedaravičius, 45 thousand. Euro – for Vytautas V. Landsbergis "Back to the exit".

In the light of the evaluations and recommendations of the commissions of cinematographic experts, public funds are also allocated to 18 film projects. A total of 197,000 were given to them. EUR 570

The funds are also earmarked for the production of ten long-run feature films

This year, at the Lithuanian Film Center, 86 projects were supported by the two cinemas and 4.58 million. (19659006)! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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