The concert of Alina Orlova at the Palace of the Grand Duchy: three years after the presentation of a new album | names


The city festival "Midsummer Vilnius" invited the great actress Alina Orlova to appear on the big stage

An outstanding performer in Lithuania presented her latest album "Daybreak", which she published today On the 24th of July


  Yosvydas Elinskas / 15min photo / The moment of the concert of Orlova

Yoshivydo Elinsko / 15min photos / Alyona Orlova Moment of concert

  Yosvydo Elinsko / 15min Photo / Alyona Orlova Moment of concert [19659007] Yosvydas Elinskas / 15min Photo / Anime Orlova Concert </p>
<p>  At the first song, Alina Orlova brought the bouquet to the stage, which she received with all its characteristics Sincerely, Simplicity. </p>
<p>  "Already bear flowers, so it's not so bad," she says. True, the conversation with the fans tonight took place only through the music – A. Orlova gave herself all in songs, not their presentations. </p>
<p>  The guests who gathered in the first part were able to recall the previous work of the artist – 1965b. On the side – finally, after three years of break, Alina fans have been able to relive souls with new vibrations of the works of the performer </p>
<div clbad=  Joshvydas Elinskas / 15min photo / The moment of the concert d & rsquo; Alyona Orlova

Joshydas Elinskas / 15min photo / The moment of the concert of Alina Orlova

Alina The creation was not born out of nowhere, she has some time, a personal experience , and the last album is no exception – the works were organically related and did not touch the time – this type of medium reveals both the creator and his creative work. tells the artist himself, the album was born inspired by the time and perhaps the desire, as well as the songs created by the p In recent years,

"Before that, j & Have had a good break – since the last of my albums, three years ago, and since the first – exactly ten years ago.In this album, I would like to go back to the beginning, to the 'roots', I would like to mark the end of my first stage of the creative process, "said Alina

  Joshwin Elinsky / 15min Photo / Alina Orlova

Josh Vincent Elinsky / 15min Alina Orlova

The performer openly tells the new album and the next concert – it will be sensual, nostalgic, rich in stories and poetry. "Voices and the piano dominate in the works, some of which resemble strings. Basically, it's a collection of songs that express a variety of feelings and states – from mild melancholy to naive joy. – The blues break-up

Only Orlova – The Break-Up Blues

Probably nothing would contradict you. that listening to Alina can hear not only a story or myth that has not been written yet. His concerts are accompanied by a unique, lyrical, theatrical, intriguing, musical atmosphere and a unique voice timbre, slightly raised

"Creativity is like eternal accumulation, while the concerts release what has been accumulated, the creations and the concerts are different but inseparable processes I am very happy to be able to create and share what I have created "- Alina tells the creative process and her concerts delivery

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VIDEO: Alina Orlova – Song of the Little Birds [19659025] (function () {
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