The culture of water is on the wave itself


Waterloo parks are working restless this summer – artists and athletes use the good weather early in the morning until late in the evening. One of the founders of Kaunas District Dock7 parks, David Rekštys, says that the culture of water courses formed in Lithuania is united by people looking for self and other modes of life.

Two years at the Academy and at Kulautuva This season, Dock7 is receiving one-third more traffic than last year. There are not only personal trainings organized according to the level of professionalism, but also different camps and competitions. The qualifying tournament Red Bull Wake2el will take place in Kulautuvoje. With yoga and vegan vegan production, the Academy will host this year a Red Bull Wake2el qualifying competition, which will be attended by Lithuanian and foreign professionals.

According to D.Rekšti, this culture is age, bad or ability. "It's water for people who love extreme sports and water," he says, especially for this year, the girls who have trained nearly half of Dock7's customers were involved in the water sports industry

. The gym is not as nice as a sun and water training, but the water tables are not just sports, but also stuff, interesting people and discussions, c & rsquo; Is very different. – The name of D.Rekštys

No need to swim

Since beginners do not require any prior preparation, volleyball training for children can also be appreciated. The team of D.Rekšti trains even preschool children: "We are five, very talented, seven years old, very motivated and eager to learn, so do not be afraid , the five year old can very well sit on the board. the other is more daring. "

We have five great years, seven very talented years, very motivated and eager to learn.According to the coach, there are about twenty young swimmers who are meeting the summer holidays in outdoors and not on a computer screen, meeting in academies on Monday. "When we work with children, we need more sensitivity – if they are excited, they can not survive in the water, we help them in the water with a rope, a vest and a helmet. "There are a lot of girls who do not know how to swim, but they are perfectly standing on the board. among us learn to sail, "says D.Rekštys

does not suffer

According to the founder of the drainage parks, those who want to try this sport is only a wish, and they will learn everything the rest in their training. "If a person comes, it's a great job, and our goal is to motivate him, "says D.Rekštys, six years ago, for the first time on the waterfall, which inspired him not only the coaching profession but also two new parks. 19659004] A teacher in a windsurfing park – an operator who controls the rope to which you are attached. It communicates directly with the swimmer through a headset and microphone, adjusts speed, advises you on how to better do the exercise.

"Operators are very experienced professional athletes, so they know what to do to avoid injury. taking into account the state of the person, observing his position on the board, the speed is chosen so that the injuries are reduced to a minimum and training is possible as quickly as possible ", – according to the trainer, the trauma does not concern the newcomer; laps or get ready for the race. The most serious trauma is sprained webbing and minor bruising

Winter – Warmer Lands

Two parks in Kaunas District do not overlap. Academy customers are professional athletes in their professional development, and the whole family is in Kulautuva to have fun. According to D.Rekšti, men who work at the academy on weekdays often go to Kulautuvas where there is also entertainment with his wife and children

"Park near the city is an badet : we work at the Academy from 7:00 am. According to D.Rekšti, such an oriental training session is full of energy for the whole day.

And what happens when the water is frozen? "We talk with the best swimmers in the world, we learn the experience, we go back to perfection and transfer our experience to our customers", although avens are not a problem, but it is impossible to practice this sport. Lithuania in October-April. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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