The doctor has identified which combination increases the risk of stroke life


The summer called a coup. Is it true?

– In the summer, I would like to think less about health problems and, of course, less likely to be sick. However, unfortunately, people with stroke also often suffer during all seasons. The data on morbidity at different times of the year are very different and controversial, for example, some studies show a higher incidence of ischemic stroke in the last few months of spring.

In the summer, there are relatively fewer patients with diseases of the peripheral nervous system. sick patients. But in fact, if summer, when it is hot, people drink less water, the probability of suffering a thrombotic accident increases

Which combination increases the risk of circulatory disorders?

– Although several countries in Western Europe are followed by a stroke of morbidity the incidence of this disease in Lithuania has remained stable for many years. Therefore, lower or inadequate cardiovascular disease is invented.

There are still many patients who neglect and do not treat high blood pressure, often stroke occurs due to inadequate treatment of atrial fibrillation and the abuse of Alcohol is common in society. The worst combination is when the patient is over 55 years old, does not cure blood pressure and does not suffer from cardiac arrhythmias.

What is the first help that a non-specialist can bring?

can strike a person who has trouble recognizing him in a timely manner and call an ambulance who will ensure that the patient is directed to appropriate treatment.

Major Stroke Symptoms That Affect About 80% There are three types of stroke: speech disorder, falling of a face, weakness of the hand. In addition, your indirect help is the information you will provide to medical staff: when did the patient become ill, has he ever been found with the symptoms of a stroke, when he was seen in good health, what medications he was using, what illnesses he was suffering from.

– A blow can be avoided in most cases. In young and healthy people, strokes rarely occur, in this case often blamed for genetically determined diseases, trauma to the arterial wall, a conbad tendency to thrombosis. Therefore, the most important measures to reduce the risk of stroke are the control and treatment of pressure (it is very important not only to take drugs but also to achieve the goal – that blood pressure does not exceed certain limits), control body weight, reduce overweight, exercise (at least 30 minutes five times a week), control the amount of alcohol consumed, treat the atrial fibrillation, diabetic and quit smoking.

What did you do in the neurological domain?

– I always knew that I wanted to become a doctor. My favorite childhood games are a hospital, prescriptions, the most beloved toys – a wooden lab box that hides a broken syringe, an old box of medications, a screwable needle and other trumps. .. So it's easy to make a decision.

The choice of specialization was a little more difficult than the choice of a profession. I had the opportunity to choose different areas, but I chose neurology. Why? One reason was not. Domino himself, emerging new explanations about the origin of neurological diseases, new therapeutic options – neurology has evolved over the last few decades from detecting diseases to treating established diseases.

In addition, she can choose between chronic diseases and treatment. treatment, to master various diagnostic methods. Did you at least regret that you chose medicine?

– Many times, but not because of the specialty, but because of simple material things: long and difficult studies. For the first time I thought about it, after about eight years of studying, I was still a resident, receiving a student salary, kept by my parents at a time when my friends could take care of me.

Now I sometimes think that there are a lot of lighter jobs and ways to win and come true, but I'm happy with my specialty and I work for a really loved job.

Well, there is no sacrifice for recreation Proof of "dedication to work". Most doctors work at high load and there are clear reasons for this. Or they want to earn enough money and work for a fee, or they simply do not need to work and are forced to work overtime, continue to work after work, manage the documentation during non-working hours.
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