The embryo will be buried in cemetery


Unrelated human embryos that have been destroyed so far with medical waste have been allowed to be buried in the cemetery since the beginning of July. According to the practice of European countries, embryos and fetuses will be incinerated and buried as human remains until the 22nd week of pregnancy.

Up to 22 weeks of gestation, children who did not survive are treated as medical waste. Now, the embryo is legally recognized as a human being.

Since July 1, legal opportunities have been created for the burial of created life, which, for one reason or another, has not been able to develop fully. This can be done by all parents.

The head of the Klaipėda Cemetery Supervisory Department confirmed that the Minister of Health's decree concerning the elimination of the embryo came into force on July 1.

"Until then, the authorization to issue was issued At the time of the presentation of these documents, the authorization was not issued. authorization will be given for the elimination of embryos up to 22 weeks of gestation ", – Z.Stankienė clarified

Board member of Klaipėda, Valdemaras Anužis, former chief doctor of the district, n 39 did not hide the fact that embryos, even though they are not fully civilized, have been crematoria in hospital crematoriums until now

"It's a big step forward for embryo slaughter.However, it is important that parents do not infect the stigma that is, that they will have a buried fruit, and in their minds they will will treat like a baby, imagine what kind of burden a person infects without realizing it ", – V.Aan ujus

Klaipėda Laybartai cemetery has a small neighborhood of newborns and babies, probably next to them will embark on funerals and embryos

However, now strategists do not rest. – there is almost no terrestrial graveyard, so cremation is inevitable in the future.

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