The Englishman who had a monument of Russian legend at the stadium found within 25 minutes


The biggest offensive in Russia was caused by vandalism – the Angles sprayed the monument of Fyodor Cherenkov, legend of Spartan football

A monument near the stadium where the sixth final between England and Colombia was built in 2015, a year after the famous past

On copper, F. Cherenkov's chest angel smashed a red ink word: "England".

The rest of the monument was spotted quite quickly, but it failed to erase the red frequencies – their remains are visible even now, although other English football fans have tried to beat them.

Angry Russians reacted quickly. Security officers rushed to the video cameras and found a record of the act of vandalism.

As the Englishman had entered the stadium, Otkritie image operators were used to help find Anglo between 44,000.

Courts have discovered the English in less than 25 minutes, he was arrested just before the "dessert" – at the end of the rally and approaching the 11-meter shooting

The guy who vandalized the statue Fyodor Cherenkov was arrested in #COLENG by the police a few minutes before the end of the ET and penalties. Rude but deserved. – Embbady of Russia, United Kingdom (@RussianEmbbady) July 4, 2018

The identity of the fan was quickly established. Rufus Hall from England to Russia

Shortly after England defeated Colombia after the penalty shoot-out in the quarterfinals, a video with a public apology from Anglo is appeared on the Internet

"It's very sad and shameful. I loved this country in the two days that I spent here. I respect history, people are sincere here. I'm sorry for what I did, I did not want to offend people. I beg your pardon, "says the Englishman

An English fan who stained the monument to Cherenkov apologized:" I'm sorry, I'm ashamed "I fell in love with this country in two days, I stayed here, your people are welcome.If I knew it would offend people, I would never have done it … I apologize " / GRddiU2Euc – Sports Express (@sportexpress) 3 July 2018 [19659014] Despite the fact that some Russians were not convinced by the British

particularly rigorous Russian deputy, member of the commission of physical culture, sport, tourism and youth, Dmitry Svičchev

"Hooliganism must be examined in accordance with Russian law There are no special rules for Russians or foreigners – everyone is equal before the law.If the card of a fan is private or if the letter is expelled, then it is necessary I understand that the Englishman did not know what he was doing, but he burst into the soul of Russian football fans. It is very unfortunate that such things happen ", – he said.

According to Russian law, Rufus was threatened with pecuniary punishment, public works, threatened to deprive him of the right to visit the football world championship apologies – a minimum of 3 thousand The fine is rubles (40 euros).

It is reported that there were more incidents in Moscow. Russian media, part of the British bubble ended when the black Colombian footballers hit the ball, and there were also subway trains that came from the stadium in August

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