The fastest stellar race is D. Field of Group 120


This week in Palanga, a solemn parade of racing cars was held in Palanga and dragged down Vytauto Street. The athletes tested the asphalt road and had the opportunity to travel by car, and in the evening, the famous people took the road.

Jolanta Leonavičiūtė, Ramūnas Rudokas and other well-known people have never hidden the fact that they love adrenaline, and the race of dragons is probably the best chance of a day. to obtain a large quantity in a short time. The steering wheel Kia Cee & # 39; d was guaranteed to be completely seated.

Dragerius made 12 performers, television series guides and other personalities: David Glush of Group 120, Gian Luca Demarco, Gold Age Member Evelina and Gabrielė, Jolanta Leonavičiūtė, Kamilė Tumelytė-Kaia, Karolina Meschina, Mindaugas Rainys, Ramūnas Rudokas, Rikko el Gato, Žiedūnė Mardosaitė and Joel Edwards

Started as a real contest

Who were faster? All drummers started in pairs, but it was not always possible to see them more quickly at the naked eye – this was a special technique used in real traction, which captures the goals each time. Everyone started to watch the traffic light: three yellow signals, and when the green light went on, it started!

The Star Race started with the players of Bracket Drag, their participants not only tried, but they also have sports cars manufactured for such competitions. After the high-speed car rides, more than one spectator closed his ears and David moaned constantly – the smoke from the tires and the exhaust gases in the car did not take all the lungs easily.

The stellar races were divided into two stages. The first is the qualification where the reaction time has been measured. Here, Rikko el Gato, who started at 0.0744 seconds, showed a very good result. after a green light signal. Colleagues joking that the motto of "Fast and Furious" on his t-shirt was on his jacket, helping to show an excellent result for professional athletes.

The second stage was organized according to the playoff principle. The faster the couple goes to the next stage, the slower falls. After several stages of perseverance, a lot of play and professionalism in the fight proved the fastest

The winners were bathed in the champagne

The first place in the race for stars has was taken by the group 120 members D. Laukys. Colleagues joked about the fact that he was deliberately poorly qualified in the qualification – so the opponents missed and then doubled one by one. In the final, he was faster than Ziedūnė Mardosaitė, and in the fight for third place, Jolanta Leonavičiūtė beat Gian Luca Demarko

"Everything is agreed, everything has been agreed here." Greetings to mom, thanks to she ", she mocked the 120th member David David, who had just won the cup

Shortly after the finish, the dragons were rewarded in the middle of the track. Who should go on stage when a spectacular race can be a great awards ceremony? After winning a lot of prizes and bottles of champagne, the race's winners spat – they said it was possible to drink a non-alcoholic drink.

When Star Dragon participants released the track, Rainis was probably running. He lost his bets on J. Leonavičiūtė: as he was in a lower position, he had to wear a T-shirt with the inscription: "Jolanta Leonavičiūtė is the best runner".

With # TVTV6, the other KITAIP and the other Aurum 1006 km races are broadcast directly on TV3. And Saturday, the live broadcast of the race will take place on the channel TV6.


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