The festival of Aldar is the tradition of: the extraordinary program is presented and the brewery door will only be open for a day


"The beer festival started five years ago is growing every year and our organizers are focusing on the details, from the brewery to the celebration of the holidays or the purity.We want to raise the level of events", explains Švyturio. Welcoming the success of the festival last year – in terms of the number of visitors, he was the largest: attracted more than 10 thousand. Guests

The Aludan Festival, which is a free entry, has prepared and presented to visitors this year not only good food, but also interesting excursions during which people will be able to learn about the process of beer production. According to A. Bagzevicius, one of the most important news is the expectation of tourists – a recently opened brewery "Lighthouse Brewery", which will allow guests to spend their holidays. "We drafted this project for three years with the Brewers Brooklyn Brewery in the United States craft .This dictated and changed the location of the event – we are expanding and crossing the streets at side of the winery.We hope that in good weather we will reach the best scores of the day of Aludaru ", – hopes an organizer

  Lighthouse Brewery

Lighthouse Brewery

© Photographers of the organizers [19659006] Not seen yet …

Aldar Day in the World celebrated a long time ago – July 18th St. Arnold, a nursery day, but in Lithuania this holiday is transferred to a more favorable time for visitors – the Saturday. According to A. Bagdzevicius, it is symbolic that brewers are devoting themselves to the middle of the year, halfway to their work. "They rely on energy to create good emotions in their work, then pbad them on to others," says the breeder's spokesperson, adding that not only does a brewer contribute to the Organization of the festival with his own hands but also his work.

Five years ago, Švyturys Brewers decided to offer this festival only to Lithuanians who dreamed of the tradition of the holiday, but they did not expect such popularity.

"Now, it's hard to imagine July without Aludarius Day. We hope that this festival will become a habit for many Klaipėda residents and we dream that our holidays will be one of the levers for choosing a seaside vacation, not just for the inhabitants of this city. Although the celebration is organized in Klaipėda, we celebrate all of Lithuania ", – says A. Bagdzevičius

Professionals will combine drinks and food in your dish

A. According to Bagdzevicius, during the festival of mid-day, special attention will be given to the presentation of types of food and beer with the help of professionals. "The food served at the festival of Aludai will be more interesting, original, produced with hands talented. We strive for a delightful day at the alder day. Festival guests will also have the opportunity to learn more about combining different kinds of beers with food, "says one of the organizers.

  Brbaderie Lighthouse

Brbaderie Lighthouse

© Photo by organizers

The "Keulė" Smoker, PANK, Lovers of meat, Deš, Peligroso, Sinners Burgers, Head Chef, Ice Dunes, MOMO, Wagon, Pizzaland, Let's look at the CHEF

Advised not to miss

For the fifth time, the Aldar Day will propose to the guests a very broad program, and the organizer of the festival, A Bagdzevicius, listed the personal recommendations to the participants.

"I advise at least inserting a nose and taking care of the new production line – it's really another level." Also, at this party, the tasting of beer will be a team of our employees, beer ambbadadors who are constantly learning and deepening their knowledge.This is not a group unrelated to the corporate hierarchy: you can taste some of production, the logistics department or the sales manager – they will all show a great knowledge of beer.

I must have prepared the dishes prepared by at least four chefs, but it is unlikely that I will limit myself to that – I have a weakness for good food, which will be a lot in the party.I will try not to miss the stand-up performances of Oleh Shuraev and Mantov Bartuševičius, I wait with looking forward to a scene program with more alternatives ", ex says the representative of the organization. . Bagdzevičius points out that the three stages of the event – Aludarius, Bhouse and Brick – will be played by the artists who admire the brewers themselves. "We want to contribute to the talented Lithuanian artists, perhaps not the most popular ones, but who are flying towards the current and courageously and qualitatively creating what they believe in. We feel that we have something in common with them", explains Švyturys Marketing Manager.

Comics O. Šurajevas and M. Bartuševičius, Freaks on Floor, "Antique Kašpirovskis Teeth", "G & G Syndicate" will be held this year. "," Parranda Polar "," Solo Ensemble "," ba. "," Flash Travel ", artists Leonas Somovas, White Cyrus, DJ Audrius Kastonas.

Persons under the age of 18 will only be admitted with the escort or the guardian.We remind you that alcohol is not sold to persons under the age of 20.

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