The fight against plastic waste will require more oil than expected


Cafes and restaurants are abandoning plastic straws, shops are disposable bags and many countries have pbaded laws restricting the use of disposable packaging in various fields. Sooner or later, these changes will also affect oil and gas companies.

More than half of global oil demand is currently supplied by transport.

Petrochemicals account for only 15%. The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts, however, that this share will reach 50% by 2040.

Petrochemical plants will become the main source of petroleum demand and the growth of this segment of the oil market will accelerate instead of slow, as the AME believes in other segments.

However, some experts believe that the demand for plastic and its products over the next two decades, as in recent decades, will grow much faster than the global economy is right.

Plastic tools

Plastic tools

Forecasts from the IEA and other companies and organizations are based on the badumption that plastics consumption will be stable and increase by 3% on average in 2017-2040. per year

However, for this to be the case, emerging markets need to maintain current consumption patterns.

In addition, there is hope that so-called invisible plastics (digital infrastructure, smartphones and other electronic devices) will become a new and irreplaceable source of demand.

But now, even 45%. Worldwide, plastic is used for packaging and the share of electronics is only 7%.

With the decrease in the use of plastic bags and other types of plastics, overall consumption growth could double over the next two decades, which will also jeopardize the outlook for oil demand, according to the Financial Times.

This is not a copy of the SNB.

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