The government will decide later on the regulation of third-country fertilizer imports


The government proposes to the Seimas to oppose the conservative view of regulating the fertilizer market in Lithuania. The Council of Ministers on Wednesday approved the conclusion of the Ministry of Economy not to support parliamentarians.

It was decided to wait for a similar bill to be prepared by the Ministry of the Economy, whose proposals for the monitoring of the fertilizer market will be similar to those of the Conservatives.

Economy Minister "peasant" Virginijus Sinkevičius pledges that the government will vote on a draft law on the regulation of the fertilizer market prepared by the ministry before his holidays in early August .

"The Ministry of Economy will submit this law to the Seimas autumn session.It has already been submitted to the government and worked on the agenda with the government lawyers, and all the proposals presented by the two members of the Seimas have been included by the Ministry of Economy as a return to the law, but we are extending it in accordance with European law, acts and directives, "said the Wednesday after government meeting.

"This law is not a quick fix. The law must be properly applied – here is the most important thing. The implementing institutions (law – SNB) are required to inspect all products entering Lithuania or the EU market under current legislation. Therefore, the law will certainly not solve the problem of one or the other impurity in one or the other product. This must be done by the supervisory authority, "the minister said.

The Seimas pbaded a fertilizer bill, prepared by conservatives Kazys Starkevičius and Edmundas Pupinis in May. [19659007] Luko April / Photo by 15min / Virginijus Sinkevičius, Saulius Skvernelis ” rel=”content-image” src=”” style=”width: auto; height: auto;”/>

Luko April / 15min foto / Virginijus Sinkevičius, Saulius Skvernelis

Parliamentarians propose to Lithuania to register a register of fertilizers containing fertilizers not coming from not from the EU, products and suppliers.

Agrokonkernas, one of the leading importers of fertilizer belonging to the President of the Union of Lithuanian Peasants and Greens, Ramunas Karbauskas, has already stated that the quality requirements are not set in third countries.The Seimas opposition suspects that they are being imported by circumventing EU anti-dumping duties.

The Conservatives have suggested Re to create a special commission in Sejm to find "fertilizer business", but the Seimas did not agree.

During the last legislature, such a law was pbaded and then revoked because it was not harmonized with the European Commission and therefore did not meet the requirements of European competition and free competition. movement of goods. , but this order was canceled in April 2017.

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