The incident at the Santariskes Children's Clinic caused the explosion of a machine


Firefighters went to the Vilnius Santariškės Children's Advisory Clinic Sunday afternoon – a fire was reported.

19 hours ago, the SNB informed representatives of the Department of Fire and Rescue. received a report on a fire at Santariškių street 7.

Eight tankers, a self-propelled and a vehicle of the headquarters were sent to the event. Firefighters noticed smoke on their arrival, a fire is being sought


Many firefighters were sent to the incident. When they arrived, it turned out that a small explosion occurred on the first floor of the building, a magnetic resonator in the control room, and gas was released. According to the firefighters, there were no naked flames in the room.

The evacuees did not need people, most of the troops were canceled, the remaining firefighters were waiting for the staff of visiting doctors at the equipment department.

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