The latest images of J. Bieber and his fiancée have been shaken: an extremely intimate moment is revealed.


Last week, the entertainment world was astonished by the unexpected news – the singer Justin Bieber and his lover, Hailey Baldwin, married

The couple did not hide their warm feelings, and even s & rsquo; They did not first discover their engagement. Justin Justin recently shared a photo of his entire fan, the Instagram personal account.

A couple of hottest kisses looking at the picture in the pool, and both seem to be happy for no reason.

The news portal reminds us that J. Bieber was a few days ago in the Instagram social network in his personal life. She shared the first picture of her and Hailey, after which she wrote: "I wanted to wait a bit, but the words travel fast, so listen to Hailey, I'm so in love with you!

So I pledge to lose my life share and love you patiently and gently. I promise that our family will be accompanied by respectful and honestly allow Jesus to lead every decision we make. My heart is entirely yours and you will always be the most important to me. Hailey Baldwin, you are my love of life and I do not want to spend my life with someone else. You make me much better. I can not get the best of my life! It's funny, because now, when you appear, everything seems to be of importance. What gives me the greatest pleasure is that my little brother and my little sister will see an extremely stable marriage and that we will be able to find something like this.

It is not strange that J. Bieber is a good sign of God and faith. a couple The first time he was seen earlier in the early summer. "They share common things: they love both parties, but they are dedicated to the church," said the couple's close source.

J. Bieber and H. Baldwin agreed to visit the Miami congregation and went to the club and decided to have fun.

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