The Lazdynai pool will be managed by a Business concession


Expected to be at least 60%. the time for complex services to be allocated solely to the needs of the municipality, but the remaining unused public service time will be allowed for the concessionaire to use commercial activities in accordance with a schedule agreed with the municipality in advance. The pool operator will provide swimming services to pools of 50 and 25 m, will organize training sessions, non-formal education and sporting events, will take care of the room. gym, rent a meal, etc.

The Municipality of Vilnius organized a public consultation for potential participants at the end of May presenting the draft conditions of competition

It is specified that the municipal authorities will soon announce a competition for the upcoming selection of the operator of the Lazdynai Health Center. It is expected that the concession contract will be put in place early next year while the pool is built so that the future operator can start working immediately and the pool is immediately commissioned.

The Lazdynai Health Center will open early next year. In the new center, there are 50 meter and 25 meter pools. The 50 meter pool of the eight slopes will be used for swimming and 25 meters for the water jets.

The complex will also operate training rooms, wellness centers and saunas. Next to the pools will be 1 mile. and 200 seats for the size of the spectators of the tribune.

The new multifunctional construction company that won the competition is Irdaiva, Axis Power, Mitnija, HCS Baltija "," Installer ".

The lagoon pool is built according to an architectural project prepared by Infes, Slangen + Koenis International BV, Cloud Architects, Sweco Lietuva

The total value of the project is 21.8 million euros.Of these – 11.6 million euros – from the EU and the State budget, 1.2 million euros – for municipalities and the rest – 9 million euros – for the public investment program

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