The Lithuanians of the world ask the Seimas to reject the president's veto on a small referendum cartel


"We have urged the Seimas (…) to reconsider the amendment to the referendum on citizenship, to consider it, to adopt the law and to immediately address the Constitutional Court to ensure that 39, he says his decision so that there is no question of constitutionality ". Representative Rimvydas Baltaduonis

The Seimas of the PLO, which sits this week in Vilnius, asks the Seimas to approve the date of the referendum as soon as possible and to allocate resources to the campaign of # 39; information. Our strategic goal is that all Lithuanians, where they live, if they want to be citizens of the Lithuanian state, have the acquired right by this birth, "- noted PLB Council member R.Baldaduonis

D.Grybauskaitė President on this possible contradiction with the Constitution

  Sigismund Gedvilla / 15min photo / Dalia Grybauskaitė

Žygimantas Gedvila / 15min / Dalia Grybauskaitė

The President insists on support for the extension of the dual nationality, but Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader of the largest peasant and green union of the Sejm, confirmed that the Seimas is considering rejecting the presidential veto and accepting the return of the referendum law. that at least 71 members of the Seimas vote for them.

"We will have to reject the veto and appeal to the Constitutional Court, because the President's statement that this law would violate the Constitution is p have an answer. No president needs to answer.

The amendment adopted by the Seimas on the basis of Article 12 of the first part of the Constitution, which defines the nationality of the state, derogated from its amendment by reducing the number of voice.

This article defines the nationality of the amendment as an article of the Constitution. more than half of the citizens who participated in the referendum, but not less than a third of the voters

Currently, the entire first section of the Constitution is subject to stricter security requirements – more than half of the citizens must vote in the referendum for their amendments, having the right to vote.

According to the president, the Seimas proposal for a special referendum on citizenship to reduce voting rights of 1.25 million. up to 840 thousand

The comments of the World Lithuanians on the veto of the presidency underline that the amendments to the referendum law were reinstated for consideration.

"The President returned and in his report pointed out that he was coming back for further deliberation.We believe that the Seimas will consider it and accept it.In our opinion, the referendum should be a victory, we must have the conditions for it to be won.The referendum is not a goal, the goal is to keep the largest possible number of Lithuanians in Lithuania, "said R. Baldalduonis [19659014]: "It is an infinite badet that Lithuania has abroad to physically leave Lithuania.However, they are people of the state, their view is in one way or of another in the state, "said Juozas Polikaitis, a representative of the PLB of the United States, about the emigrant young professional.

To deceive the Seimas, the Seimas intends to refer the Constitutional Court to the constitutionality of the amendments in the fall – an appropriate draft resolution is recorded.

  The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Lithuania </p>
<p>  Amendments to the Referendum Act required Lithuanians seeking dual nationality to legitimize the world without fear of a reduction in the cartel; </p>
<p>  The referendum on the validation of dual citizenship should be published with the 2019 presidential elections. </p>
<p>  The Constitution stipulates that, except for individual cases provided for by law, no one can be reunited in Lithuania and another one citizen of a state. </p>
<p>  Emigrants, after the restoration of independence on March 11, 1990, can not have dual nationality, with a few exceptions. </p>
<p>  The CC has previously noted that dual nationality can not be a widespread phenomenon. it would be contrary to the legalization of dual nationality by law for persons who left the country after the restoration of independence </p>
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