The lonely man on Earth: Amazon Jungle filmed a 22 year old man living here


The film was published by the Brazilian Funai organization, which is dedicated to the preservation of indigenous peoples. And this footage captures how a muscular man with an ax is crossing a tree.

Why is he filming?

Funai has been following this mysterious person since 1996. Under Brazilian law, natives have the right to land, so that whenever a person is filmed, that person allows the person to go to school. organization to slow down the development of private farms. It is said that it is about 4 thousand. The territory of the hectares where the indigenous peoples live is surrounded by private farms.

"They have to constantly prove that this person exists," says Fiona Watson, an employee of Survival International for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

The only person on earth: the Amazon jungle has filmed a man who has lived here for 22 years

Who is he?

Little is known about this man living in the jungle, although he became subject to various research or books. The man has never had contact or conversation with civilization and other people. We do not even know what language he speaks.

It is believed that he is a member of the tribe who died in 1995.

For many years, the Brazilian media link this native to the pits found in the jungle – it is thought that the man uses them to hunt or hide from danger

Funai follows this mysterious person since 1996. [19659012] There is only a blurred image of him up to now. It was made by one of the funai expeditions and featured in the Brazilian documentary Corumbiara in 1998.

Activists are surprised that this mysterious man is still healthy and seems to be doing well on hunting, papaya and the corn.

The organization says that the natives have clearly shown that they do not want to interact with the outside world, because people who wanted to come into contact in the past have been slaughtered by the boys of its tribes .

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