The Mars observation probe captured an impressive image


The Korolev crater with white cover is on Mars and was captured by the Mars Express probe launched by the European Space Agency (ESA).

ESA's Mars Express mission was launched in 2003. On June 2 and December 25, it went into orbit on Mars. This year, ESA celebrated the 15th anniversary of this mission and shared a high-definition camera (HRSC) captured by the Mars Express probe connected from five images.

The diameter of the crater of Korolevo is 82 km. Scientists believe that the crater is not covered with snow but the ice cover, which can reach 1.8 km in the center.

ESA scientists explain that this ice crater was created by an interesting phenomenon called "cold trap". The deepest part of the crater of Korolev, which contains ice, acts as a natural trap against the cold: the air that circulates in the crater cools and settles, creating a cold layer that prevents ice from to melt.

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