The minister still has not convinced teachers: the situation is unfortunate, we will spend the night again


In the ministry, Wednesday afternoon, the teachers waiting for the decision, DELFI, said that they would not go until the drafting of the document and not verbal agreements.

"We still have no answer, just words." The final answer is not yet given, she spoke in a ministry with other teachers waiting for answers to Yadvyga. "But we are very Happy that the negotiations are finally under way, that the Minister discusses. "

Negotiations with ministry teachers began at 10:00 and the break was announced around 5:00. After a break, talks will continue, while ministry teachers promise to wait as long as necessary.

"When they make suggestions and if they are willing to do so, they will, but otherwise we will stay here," said another teacher, adding that she was considering staying at the ministry. .

The minister still has not convinced teachers: the situation is unfortunate, we will spend the night again

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

A meeting of teachers is scheduled for Friday at the Seimas. Teachers say that not only them, but students and parents will be present. Teachers say the meeting will not be canceled. "They (the DELFI ministry) have been delayed for a very long time, they may believe that they will promise something and we will finish everything," the professor said. "But today, they will not really agree and negotiations will take place tomorrow."

Other teachers said that they would not come from the ministry without a written agreement. True, they said that they stayed out of the department, arrived here in the morning to change their colleagues who were on duty at night.

Although not all teachers have come only today. Teachers in Švenčionys, Klaipėda and other districts are awaiting Wednesday's decisions from noon. Sleeping bags and mattresses are also included in the room where teachers dance from Wednesday afternoon. Teachers say that even tonight, they may need to be up.

"Negotiations are a long process, talk is not short, the decision today probably will not be, and we were hoping to stay," the professor said.

"It is essential to stay and keep up the pressure," said another teacher.

The minister still has not convinced teachers: the situation is unfortunate, we will spend the night again

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

The teachers agreed that they had already missed the ministry one night and that they would miss the second. "We will stay in. As long as we need us, we will be there," the teachers said.

And do they hope that decisions will be made tonight? "We hope to have hope, but we look forward to being cautious." We will be happy to see everything written in black and white, "said the professor, adding that the strike schools were growing.

This morning, the professor, who came to the Vilnius Ministry, said the situation was very sad. "We hope some kind of conversation," said the teacher. "The minister did not come before us."

"Too bad and sad that such things are happening.The important things are late, no concrete decisions, no agreement.In particular, we are making fun of us," said the professor. She agreed with her colleague, adding that she was in contact with colleagues from other countries who supported them.

"There is a terrible crisis in the education system: how many schools are not working, how many students are not following the learning process, and the Ministry of Education is watching everything in their hands," said the professor. "We do not want to go on strike, we want to go back to our students."

The minister still has not convinced teachers: the situation is unfortunate, we will spend the night again

© DELFI / Domantas Pipas

Several teachers' unions, the Minister of Education and Science, Jurgita Petrauskienė, met Thursday to discuss how to improve the paid remuneration model for full-time teachers introduced in September. .

The results of the negotiations at the Ministry of Education and Science have already waited a few dozen teachers who spent here Wednesday night. "At the radiator in the sleeping bag, the teacher Veronika told him to stay in. – I think this whole situation is unfortunate.It is very unfortunate that the Minister of Education and Science and all the other politicians lead us. "

The Union of Lithuanian Education Workers, among others, asks to increase the salary coefficients of teachers and reduce clbades, in order to change the structure of the teaching position.

Ministry teachers:

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