The muse of foreign photographers, which is good in Lithuania


A modeling career for many girls resembles a paradise on earth: photo shoots, generous royalties, trips to unknown lands where we stay forever … Kamilė Kleivaitė, 23, looks at the quarry mannequin without pink glbades. A graduate philologist remembers that he was too busy and dared not decorate magazine covers, and even after making many suggestions, he considered the bread model as a desirable hobby, which will not leave long time his motherland.

19659003] – Indeed, the first tests were not successful. When I was fifteen, I went to the modeling agency to hear about the features of my face that are particularly suited to this work, but overweight. Then those words came down to the heart, but (for that I'm grateful to my family) I did not go to the extreme and realized that health is more expensive for me. I started modeling at the university.

– How did parents view this activity? Often, the work of the model is often badociated with a variety of even more threatening risks for young people, and even if the career is active, science also suffers sometimes

– More suggestions and books appeared during my studies, I was not yet a teenager. . By the way, science has always been a priority for me, so my parents have had no criticism.

– The work of most girls is like a dream. Maybe you have dreamed since childhood?

– I have never dreamed of being a dummy. In my childhood I was a very plump child, I did not feel exclusive, so I did not make such thoughts. I was convinced that there was a big bone. It is not quite (smiles).

– Who likes this job? And what is the most annoying or boring thing?

– This is an excellent result and the process itself, especially when working with a team of professionals. The atmosphere prevailing during the photo shoot is very important, as is the relationship with the photographer. The best shots are born when all members of the team work effortlessly, relaxing, but focusing on the end result, they see a common vision. It's great to meet new, interesting and artistic people who create a wonderful, inspiring work atmosphere. I'm sorry … It's probably the most boring team discussion, but it's rare.

– Do I have to work hard because of my job?

– I do not care about my job because of my diet and my physical activity. I want to be healthy and have a good feeling. True, I will not lie, I love the delicious food! I think it's one of the pleasures of life, especially when we eat a variety of meals while traveling … So I really let myself go and leave, but I know how to return to the diet

– is do you really think about your appearance? Maybe you care about skin, hair?

– First of all I try to take care of my diet and drink a lot of water, that is the base without which the skin would not be treated. I focus on the hair, which is greatly affected during photo shoots. I believe in my hair to a great specialist in this field, I lighten them, I breathe, I feel the procedures and I choose high quality cosmetics

– Lithuanians – extremely popular models, career opportunities at the # Foreigners are more favorable than in Lithuania. Who is holding you back from emigration?

I, fifteen, went to the modeling agency to hear about the features of my face that are particularly adapted to this work, but overweight. Then those words went down in my heart, but I did not go too far and realized that health costs me more.

– The main reasons are the studies in Lithuania and the fact that I have never thought. Without a doubt, career opportunities abroad are higher, but I have chosen to study and work in the field of sight in Lithuania. Posture is a hobby to make money, but I have never thought of leaving it outside of Lithuania. Maybe I'm thinking of an unpopular opinion, but I'm fine here (smiling).

– You have worked not only with Lithuanian photographers, but also with famous foreigners. Have you noticed any significant differences in the way work is done here and abroad?

– There are professionals in the field both abroad and in Lithuania. One of the first works in Paris was particularly memorable when he photographed the cover of an American magazine. Then, for the first time, I saw this open-air museum, I arrived one day and in the evening I was going home. The work was incredibly sweet and I remember how grateful I was to God for this opportunity when I stood in the background of the Eiffel Tower

– It's important to sleep well before a photo shoot and of course to relax before lens Yet you can look great on your photos when you trust yourself and you feel good, which depends on the overall image of the visor, the hairstyle for the masters.

– You are not only a model but also a visitor. How did you decide to take this activity?

– Visits have always interested me. When I started working on the model, I noticed that, sitting on the vista chair, I watched each master 's step, examined all the tools, and then j & # 39; 39, exploring make-up, trying to understand what and how. The whole process is so much fun for me! It is this interest that has brought me where I am now – I have been working on Vista for the third year, the summer is a real business. I can not convey the feeling of seeing the smiles of customers when they see themselves in the mirror – this is perhaps the most enjoyable in this job.

– What about makeup, skin care that you could advise Lithuanian women? Maybe most of them are wrong?

– The basic advice for Lithuanian women is very simple, but often difficult to apply: drink as much water as possible! Our skin lacks moisture, so the hydration of the skin and water is the most important.

– You are a graduate philologist. How did you choose this specialty with a little beauty? Do plans for the future have a job according to her?

– Already from the eighth grade, I felt that the lessons of the Lithuanian language would give me a real recovery. I was expecting everything – from text interpretations to essays, I felt that it was there that there was a strong spot for me. Although later, when choosing a study, there were many opinions that the Lithuanian philology and advertising specialty was not viable, I knew that I would be promising where I would feel better. Indeed, I recently realized the degree that I have acquired in every sense in four years. These studies have enriched me as a person – to read literature, to think critically, to meet the most reasonable ones, and at the same time the warmest teachers have brought me to life. I think I could work in the advertising field in the future, but the philological knowledge gained is useful every day.

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