The mysterious asteroid Oumuamua throws an enigma again: why is it accelerating?


The asteroid Oumuamua is the first interstellar object discovered in the solar system, in acceleration. This acceleration can not be explained either by the gravity of the Sun or by the planets or the wind of the Sun. The researchers concluded that Oumiamua was accelerating its own "engines", that is, the flow of volatile substances due to the influence of the Sun, which is also the case in many comets . The results of the study were published in the magazine Nature

The astronomers of Oumuamua were first discovered on October 18, 2017. At first, it was thought that it is a comet . However, observations of the object showed that it does not close the hyperbolic trajectory at about 26 kilometers per second. This means that the object did not fly out of our planetary system and will soon escape it. Scientists did not find signs of the object, typical of comets – around him there was no cloud of gas (coma), so he "re-qualified" them asteroids.

The group of astronomers from the Earth Observation Center of the European Space Agency, led by Marco Micheli, has carefully monitored Oumoamua in order to refine its trajectory. . Researchers used the Hubble Space Telescope, ESO's VLT television in Chile, as well as Canadian and Canadian CFHT telescope data in Hawaii. "Our badysis has shown that the trajectories of the observed object can only be explained by the gravity of the objects of the Sun, Planets, Moon, Pluto and the 16 largest bands of the planet. asteroids, as well as relativistic – impossible effects Scientists

They detected a very weak "foreign" acceleration – about 4.9 × 10-6 m / s 2, which was inversely proportional to the orbital radius. Study examined the possible causes of this further acceleration, including the effect Jarkovsky, the effect of the invisible satellite, the interaction of the magnetic field of Oumedama (if any) with the wind from the Sun. However, it was finally concluded that the most likely cause is the reactive power of the gas and dust that escape from the surface of the object's approach. Sun. The effect of "degbading" is manifested in comets, but no sign of Comet characteristic activity has never been demonstrated by Oumuamua.

Scientists have badumed that the dust covering the interstellular object is too coarse. Clouds of such large particles may be too pale to be visible, but their presence could explain the speed of Oumuamua

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