The NBA used to Songaila – Aiming to reach the top and acute deficiency / News


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Last year, Darius Songaila, who finished one of his careers last summer, will soon be celebrating his first year at the National Basketball Association (NBA).

Darius Songaila

Darius Songaila
Position: PF
Age: 41
Height: 204 cm
Weight: 112 kg
Place of birth: Marijampolė, Lithuania

In 11 years, the United States defended the Sacramento Kings, the Chicago Bulls, the Washington Wizards, then the New Orleans Hornets and the Philadelphia 76ers, and now the legendary San Antonio coach, 41 years old. Spurs Club interests.

Back to the elite in other positions, self-discovery among the best professionals, creating new contacts, intense work with the most prominent personalities of the league and the post lost were those to whom Marijampoliet has successfully adapted.

"My goal is to improve and progress each year, to climb the career ladder and see when and where we see it," Songaila told

Although the season of the Spurs team ended in late April, the Songaila calendar, responsible for the development of the players, did not have a significant impact.

A short trip to Mexico with a family coach quickly became a part-time marathon, with a focus on the NBA New Exchange on June 20th and the Summer League on July 5th.

This is the last tournament and the beginning of Songaila in the corridors of the NBA League last year. Before visiting the Summer League 2018, he warmly welcomed the community of Kaunas Zalgiris and thanked him for his three years of experience in the service of Sarunas Jasikevich, whose name is becoming more evident in the vision of the surviving clubs of the NBA.

Points earned this season

San Antonio Spurs
NBA (National Basketball Association)

About Shar's ability to work at the NBA, legendary Spurs strategist Gregg Popovich, the San Antonio culture club, Donato Motiejun's return to the NBA and contact with Zalgiris, Songaila traded with

– How did the Spurs' organization meet you and what did these first days look like in the new job? –'s reporter asked Songaila.
– First of all, all that is badociated with this organization is the highest level. Already during the Summer League, Las Vegas had to contact the Spurs and make sure they were the best organization in the NBA. All the documents, the processing of visas, etc., were very well organized by the Spurs. All I had to do was get on the plane and come to San Antonio to get to work.

The first day was more cognitive: learning how everything goes, the training system and individual work, graphics, etc.

– What were the biggest challenges personally encountered first?
– The biggest challenge was acclimation. Everything else was pretty natural. It's a basketball I've been playing for many years and I've spent the last three years as a coach. In addition, I did not start the NBA for the first time. Of course, there are some differences in the specifics and working methods of basketball, which is normal because basketball here, the NBA, is different.

– You work with the legendary Gregg Popovichi at headquarters. What is the special coach about this legend?
– For me personally, it's one of the most impressive basketball personalities. His infinite bag of knowledge about basketball, tactics, paintings, etc. His ability to be a tough and demanding coach, while finding a common language with world-renowned basketball stars, shows his extraordinary abilities as a psychologist. In this respect, he is the best he has ever seen in his entire athlete career. For all this, it's a very simple and easy-to-talk person who likes and jokes. It is very difficult to briefly describe such a person, but his personality is certainly impressive.

– The organization of the Spurs is praised for the inner culture that Popovich has introduced herself. What is the inner life of the club so different?
– Yes it is true. It is an organization that is truly renowned for its internal culture and that many other organizations want to copy. But what's going on inside the club and it's still inside the club, I'm not going to have too much. I can say that everything is based on loyalty, respect between people, dedication to work, a high level of performance at work. We have a huge staff, everyone knows their responsibilities and badumes them.

– What does your daily schedule look like?
– This year, my position was halfway between the video coordinator and the development of the players. It has been very helpful to know how video coordinators do things, how material is received, processed and provided to coaches. Of course, the development of the players is an individual job with the players that I had to do much more than the video.

– How is the work done after the end of the season?
– Although the season is over, the work continues. We have many criticisms of players against the NBA New Exchange. An individual workout schedule and work schedule for current team players is also in preparation. You must also prepare for the Summer League. Yes, work is not lacking.

– How much are you involved in the marathon against the NBA New Exchange?
– Beginner socks are varied – from individual players with only one player to groups of 6 players. I must also be involved in this whole process.

– What are your plans for the summer? Will it be possible to return to Lithuania?
– Summer projects that will have a lot of work to do. Because, as I have already mentioned, there is now a preparation for the new exchange, then the summer league, and so on. The possibility of going back will certainly be, but the return trip will be much shorter than you would like.

– At the end of the season, Donatas Motiejūnas came to Spurs. How many Spurs management, Gregg Popovich consulted with you or asked for your opinion before calling?
– It was fun to see Donatas in the Spurs team. At a dinner, Popovich asked some questions about Donat. However, I think the sources of information they use to get information about the player are certainly much larger than those that were asked at dinner.

– Although Motiejun did not have many opportunities to show up, what impression did he have on the San Antonio organization?
– After what I heard, everyone was pleased with his professionalism and dedication to work, as well as his ability to adapt to the team in so little time. of time. The role played by Donat is certainly not easy. It was like a protection ban so that if a player was injured, he could take his place. In such situations, no one invites young, hungry players to try to prove anything. This position requires experienced, mature players, playing basketball and understanding their role. In my opinion, Donat was well placed with this position in this position.

– You worked with Motiejun individually. How do you see Donatas with your basketball abilities now in the context of NBA players?
– I had to work with Donata individually and watch her exercise. Depending on his basketball talent, his abilities and his work ethic, he is certainly able to play in the NBA.

– Šarūnas Jasikevičius is back in the NBA. How are NBA people reacting to this coach?
– I have not spoken to Sharma about any member of the NBA, so I can not say anything more and say what is the return.

– How ready is Jasikevičius for the NBA challenge?
– I think that as a strategist who has his own draw, his vision of the game and knows what he wants to see on the pitch, he can coach all teams. But as a psychologist, in my opinion, he is not yet at this level. In order to be able to move those very important and complex relationships and the peripheries of communication between players and coaches, he should see the thing more closely. The NBA team is not Zalgiris, where everyone loves it, no matter who and how, where the players are subordinate to it. Everything is different here, here is the league of the players. The balance of power in the NBA is much higher on the players' side than in Europe.

– How do you evaluate your prospects in the NBA league to overtake them?
– This year, as a coach, it was a start in my career. The three years that I spent as an badistant coach at Euroleague have only little influence. It goes without saying that the experience I've gained while working with Shari is very personally helpful as a coach, who has accumulated experience and knowledge. I think this summer, a year later, NBA cooking will certainly be the next step. It's my goal every year: improve and progress, climb the ladder up to the coach's president and when and where it will be, we'll see it in the future.

– What is NBA clubs' approach to European coaches?
– I think that this subject is much more pronounced and explored in Lithuania because of the situation as a whole in Sharjah. European coaches are appreciated here and many teams have a European coach at their seat.

– How many seasonal wonders of Zalgiris in Euroleague have you watched?
– I have watched a lot Žalgiris and many, especially the Euroleague. I think the season has been changing but really successful. I believe that access to the playoffs of the Euroleague is the goal of each team. In terms of LKL, the season was completed with the highest score and rings of LKL champions won. Of course, the loss of a trophy (CCT) has been painful because it is an unlucky title.

– When Žalgiris won the LKL, you hosted the club by sharing an Instagram picture. How often did you manage to communicate with your clbadmates in Kaunas during the season?
– During the season, I have repeatedly written a message and congratulated for the victory in Euroleague. The relationship certainly did not break, I communicated with Shari and Darius. Greetings for the LKL champion rings were natural. Žalgiris was and still is my team in Lithuania, with whom I won these four LKL rings, no matter who coaches it.

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