The New York duo "Sofi Tukker" arrives in Vilnius: outdoor concert – slippers melon | names


Sophie Hawley-Weld and Tucker Halpern released their first album "Treehouse" in April of this year, which reached the Top 5 of the UK's Top 5 Dance Music Albums


  Yosvydas Elinskas / 15min photo / The moment of the concert in Sofia Tukker in Vilnius

Joshydas Elinskas / Photo of 15min / "Sofi Tukker" A moment of concert in Vilnius

  Yosvydas Elinskas / A photo of 15min / [19659006] Joshydas Elinskas / Photo of 15min / Concert "Sophi Tukker" in Vilnius </p>
<p>  The song "Best friend" "This piece has sounded in the announcement with the latest smartphone from Apple on the # 39, iPhone X. </p>
<p> Tucker Halper grew up in Boston and studied in a prestigious private school.The young man who dreamed of a basketball player always chose the path of the musician.At the age of 21 , T. Halpern was sick and could not go to school for a year </p>
<p>  It was then that he learned to play and produce electronic music Sophie Hawley-Weld was born in Germany, but lived for several years in Canada and Italy.The Earlier, the girl wrote to the theater of school to play acoustic guitar bosa nova, she participated in the trio of jazz music. Sophie and Tucker met in an art gallery and soon began to play music and create together </p>
<p> <em> <strong> Moments of concerts in the gallery: </strong></em></p>
<p><strong>  Sofi Tukker – Best Friend: </strong></p>
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VIDEO: SOFI TUKKER – Best Friend feat. NERVO, The Knocks and Alice Ueno (official video) [Ultra Music]

Two years after the release of the first mini album, "Soft Animals", the duo has won the sympathy of the public. The song of the duo "Drinkee", which was a great success in 2017, was particularly successful. was presented to the Grammy Award in the nomination of the best dance recording

This work, created by adapting the poem of the famous Brazilian poet Jackal, was also broadcast in the American film "The Incredible Jessica James" ;last year. Drinkee has listened millions of times millions of times and sold gold in Italy and ranked 2nd in the list of the best hits in Turkey.

Sofi Tukker – Drinkee:

VIDEO: SOFI TUKKER – Drinkee (official video)

The Drinkee song was also heard by representatives of the Apple company, reaching the point where the global hit hit "Apple Watch". Two other songs by Sofi Tukker "Best Friend" and "That's I" are promoted by different Apple products

. Coachella "." Sofi Tukker "-" Batshit ":

VIDEO: SOFI TUKKER – BATSHIT (Official Video)" Sofi Tukker "-" Batshit ":

VIDEO: SOFI TUKKER – Batshit (Official Video) [Ultra Music]

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