The photos of S. Jokuz are the dawn of independence


In the Giruliai Library, for nearly two weeks, until July 26, an exhibition of photos by photographer Saulius Jokuzas, devoted to the 30th anniversary of Sąjūdis, will be presented.

Freedom Bag "Atriš"

"Today, there are events of the 30th anniversary of Sąjūdis, so most people want to be participants of that time -" I was myself I even drank beer mugs and I carried the flag of Sąjūdis. "Then I worked in the editorial, it was my bread and my joy, the time was very interesting, independence is pbaded, we worked and recorded everything" , – the photographer S.Jokužys tells the origin of the images exhibited at the exhibition.

He acknowledges that there were not really any images, because at that time, the so-called "Glavlit", whose staff was censoring the prints, was still working. But the newspaper Sajūdis "Little Lithuania" started to be launched at this time. "We must not forget that the word" Soviet "was not" scrapped "from the name of the newspaper" Klaipėda ", then the grand diploma of Antanas Stanevičius, then editor-in-chief, for that some images appear in the press. There was already some political warming, because Mr. Gorbachev "unloaded" the bag and released the spirit of freedom, not realizing what that was, and the taboo subject was starting to be open. advertising, "recalled S.Jokuzys

. Fear Slowly Fades

Tricolor Shrine and its elevation on the roof of the Klaipėda Musical Theater, about 50 thousand were gathered to see and welcome.

Photos of the people of Klaipėda, who flooded the entire city center, were seen in the photos

"The most expensive photo for me, showing how Rytis Staselis made a trilogy in Klaipėda near the bridge from Biržis I hid it for a while, so that I did not hurt people, it was just the beginning of all these events, but soon there was more freedom and fear has gradually disappeared, "said S.Jokuzys.

Feeling of the Spirit of Freedom

The exhibition contains more than 100 published and unpublished photographs. .Jokužiai include many known faces in the port city, including the activists of Sąjūdis – Vytautas Čepas, Dionysas Varkalis, Gintaras Tomkus, Jonas Sąlyga and the first deputies to the Supreme Council

"Every move was not only the people, the majority of Sąjūdis was m ajoritaire. I also photographed those who did not understand freedom and were against the independence of Lithuania. The militants of Jedinstva also remained in the historical photographs and they must be proud of the people of Klaipėda that they were not allowed to live. they managed to manage the situation without causing incidents, congestion, bloodshed. , according to the author of the exhibition, these images are particularly interesting for young people who wonder that once the monument V. Lenin was on the Place of Renewal, Reservoirs in the streets.

Photo exhibition on which to capture The events of 30 years will be displayed in the library Girulai until July 26

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