The repeat winners of the 1006 km races, Gemini Brothers, will be taking the plane this year for the Circle K milesPLUS racing team.


July 18-21 d In the traditional Aurum race 1006 km to Palanga, half a dozen teams will be expected, among which are the crew of Ignas and Jonas Gelzinis who won the race several times . This year, they will drive the Porsche 991 GT3 Cup and, along with two other experienced drivers, they will for the first time go to the Circle K MilesPLUS team

On Monday, experienced drivers presented their car to the media and the public at the biggest roundabout in the Baltic countries. K ", located next to the Vilnius bypbad.

" The 19th edition is already a tradition, attracting not only many people interested in motorsport in Palanga, but also fighting for the pilots who are ready for the winners. Although we, as a gas station, are constantly on the road with those on the road, but having your own team name in such a solid race is just an issue of honor. Knowing what kind of experienced quartet will represent Circle K, we are looking forward to the race with great reluctance, "said Skirmantas Mačiukas, Circle Manager K. Lietuva. The Welsh Jonas Karklys, in the European Championship Octavia Cup and winning second place in the A3000 category, as well as a Champion of Estonia, Formula 4 Champion of Italy, the best rally champion Estonian rally Ralph 2014-2017 Aron, who successfully competed in the Formula 3 Championship.

"I believe we are a very strong team, equal and hard we have our strategy, we know our strengths and we are very responsible for the race.The human factor is very important, but the technical side of the race also has a lot to do with: a suitable car, fuel, a preparation Victory is a complex of all these factors and I really hope that titles that have already won the title will be defended.In any case, there is not much left to wait, "said John Gelzinis.

The Porsche 991 GT3 Cup was ready for the race: Monday, it was possible not only to inspect and steer, but also to evaluate its technical specifications, particularly demanding equipment in terms of safety [19659003] "The race is really intense, energy consuming, and for all 100% You can concentrate on driving, on the track, to be sure that the car is not only technically neat, but that it does not break your head because of the security systems.In this case, our car is precisely this one – safe, powerful, manageable.Now everything depends on us ", – said J. Gelzinis in the presentation.

Traditional, already 19 th anniversary of their 1006 km car race this year in Palanga will take place on July 18-21

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