The transsexuals attending Miss Universe: "Change the genre, it's like adjusting the nose" | names


How the portal was published 27th Transbaduals Angela Ponce won the selection of the Miss Universe contest in Spain on June 29 .

However, the girl's mission is to change the traditional concept of gender and overcome the unacceptable barriers of the fashion industry. "The fact that you have a bad does not make your wife," she says. She bravely said in an interview, adding that even the fact that most people do not want to see her as a woman is still clearly in their ranks.

  Photo by Instagram / Angelela Ponce

Photo by Instagram / Angela Ponce

A girl grew up in Pilas, a town in the south of Spain. Here his father had a bar, now run by his older brother. Pilas is a pretty conservative city. "There was not more like me," Angela admitted. When she attended a school, she was faced with a lack of understanding – she was badigned to children with special needs, in the girls' group there were divorced children in their families who belonged to national minorities, etc. .

. unpleasant attention or insults for their child. When the little girl was still young, her parents kept her brave – encouraged her to play with her favorite dolls and get away from her brother's favorite football.

"I had problems outside the house, at school or on the street," she recalls. "My parents always supported me, but from birth, I felt that I was a public person and that people seemed to have the right to talk about me," says Angela

. Madrid and began to pursue a model career. At the same time, she begins to work with the Daniel Foundation, founded by a Spanish woman who is fighting against a school that does not want to recognize her daughter as a translatio

  Scanpix / AP Photo / Angela Ponce

Scanpix / AP Photo . / Angela Ponce

Angela has become one of the volunteers of this foundation. She speaks in schools, meets with children and their parents, who face the problems of transbaduals. Angela confessed to a call at the beginning of the night – she was called by a transbadual girl who threatened to commit suicide because of social pressure

When Angels was 16, she decided to start drinking. "I wanted to get rid of what was bothering and hurting me," said the model. As she claims, her message to teens that she meets is always that bad rebadignment surgery is a personal choice and that it is not essential to be a woman.

"There are women with male bad organs and men with women The only thing crucial about being a woman is to feel like a woman," she convinced.

Her success in the beauty pageant and her historic chance to represent Spain in the Miss Universe competition have attracted a lot of fans Women

"Most critics come from women and people in my environment, some women just come to the street and claim my confession, "says Angela.It seems strange to her that some women do not tolerate the fact that she represents the party in a beauty pageant and that she does it as that woman who is and who is it

YES READ: Miss Universe will compete for the first time in Transbaduals: Angela Ponce Representative Spain

  Photo by Instagram / Angela Ponce

Photo by Instagram / Angel Ponce [19659005] "If we want a breakthrough, we just have to stop losing weight to other women behaving right or wrong," she says. model

Recently, the new government of Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has been sworn in Spain. Most women will work there throughout the country's current history. The country became one of the most progressive in Europe in 2005, when its newly elected socialist government legalized marriages and the adoption of homobadual couples.

"I was lucky enough to be born in this country". Critics have come from foreign women who seem to have an unfair advantage over the beauty queen that she represents in her upcoming Miss Universe contest.

She is open – after a bad change surgery, she received another – a woman after hormone therapy "When I hear women compete in unequal conditions, I mean but only because I have to do twice as much effort as others, because I was not so rewarded by nature, "Angela said. Yet his face "has always been his face, whether someone likes him or not." "The same thing applies to my size," she added.

Most women have had plastic surgery. What is a nasal surgery to make you feel better than a bad replacement surgery or a bad enhancement? – Angela asked.

"Many women have had plastic surgery, say what nasal plastic surgery is to make you feel better than a bad replacement surgery or chest extension," asked Angela.

She also pointed to the hypocrisy of some brand names – some were the ones who heard that she is a transbadual, refused her services. "There are brands whose representatives rejoice in buying and wearing their clothes but do not expect you on the podium," she said, adding that it's strange to see that in the world of the fashion.

  Instagram / Angela Ponce </p>
<p>  Guillermo Escobar, who is president of the Spanish National Beauty Contest, acknowledged that Angel's achievement helped broaden the profile of the competition, but demanded that "the commission would simply rate it as a beautiful woman. " </p>
<p>  "She is the first to send a message of equality and respect, but I hope that she will soon have more candidates than she, and she will no longer be a case exceptional ", he hoped </p>
<p>  in an interview with Angela, his sister Amanda of 19. And photographed on the phone," I can only be very proud of my sister, "said Amanda, who studies lawfully. worked very hard to get there, where I am, I'm sure that she and other women can achieve even more, "added Angel's sister </p>
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