The white tigers of Klaipeda are already thirteen


The population of Klaipėda Zoo has increased – the world has even seen four white tigers. Thirteen white tigers live here

Jurate, 5 years old and 7 years old Andrius, are born

It's the third pair of these white tigers in Klaipeda

Two month old tiger weighed 250 grams, now they are ten times

Recently, three brothers and sisters and one brother were separated from their parents and placed in a separate voljere.

"It's safer – a very tolerant little mother can inadvertently support them, and there are other injuries because the kids are very agile. One of them is more likely to become independent and easier to get used to the hustle and bustle of visitors, "says Edward Legeck, director of the zoo

Separated Tiger Babies were fed exclusively on cow's milk, now they receive meat. Immediately after having two flasks – otherwise the unlucky sheath just goes to the head

According to E.Legecko, white When the little ones in Japan, the other zoos announce this as big news.

It has become a common place for the Klaipeda people

Only such a large cbad – even four small ones – is uncommon

Last year In the summer, three females of white lion and a male came from the Czech zoo to Klaipeda.

There are almost no such predators in the wild. White lions will not be seen in neighboring countries with the exception of Poland.

Five white tiger females born in Klaipeda were sent to the Czech Republic.

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