The Youth European Championship is the historic triumph of Israeli basketball players


The Israeli team won for the first time in the history of the country a twenty-first championship of Europe.

The top winners attacked defenseman Yovel Zoosman, who scored 17 points, defeated 11 goals, played 4 badists, took 4 balls and scored 22 points.

Champion Deni Avdiya, Croatian Mate Kalayžić and the Germans Philip Stanislaus and Kostja Mushidi were also among them

Third place was won by the hosts of the Germans who were 80:71 French

Israel : Michael Brisker 19, Yovel Zoosman 17 (11 years, 4 votes, 4 p.), Miron Ruina (14 points, 30 bal.) And Gilas Beni after 14 points

Team Croatia: Mate Kalayžičius 18 (7th rep.), Josip Barnyak 10, Toni Nakičius 9 points. [1 9659002]

We remind you that the team of Lithuania scored 76:62 on Sunday (16:13, 23:18, 20:13, 17:18) and surpbaded the British national team and took the 9th position.

Lithuanian basketball players have lost only one game in this championship, but the most important ones. In the eighth final, our 70:75 landed for the Spaniards.

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