they listen to the bumps of their backs


2018 23 July 00:15

"Listening to Jaël on bumpers and humiliation paths", the artist describes the # 39, artist Mirror. She has gained international recognition in her singing style, light fragmentation, and original style crossover (music created by joining elements of different genres). Switzerland is very well received in the most prestigious festivals and concert halls, and the audience is immediately struck by the soft and tender voice of the soloist, right next to the music that fills the room, but leaves room for the audience. 39, idea of ​​theft. that my voice and the stories I tell touch the audience, they identify with them. I try to be natural, genuine because I am convinced that being alone and not copying others, I am the best version of myself. But I can not say that success also accompanies my career, "said the singer, who is visiting Lithuania, asked her the secret of her success.



© Photo by the organizers

cards, released in 2015, ranked second in the scores of Switzerland. It was really impressive at the beginning of a singer's solo career – she had already sung in the Lunik band for twenty years.

"We had a tradition of hugging the group before going on the scene.In 20 years, it has become so commonplace that it's now strange not to do it." if I wanted to repeat this tradition before the concert with the orchestra, it would take a lot of time, "smiled the singer. "I do not have a special ritual before the show but when I play with the guitarist, we do at least some songs to warm up."

Jael's collaboration with the Klaipėda Chamber Orchestra began a year ago. In early July, a singer with a Lithuanian team appeared at the Montreux Jazz Festival in Geneva. The performer will come to the concert in Vilnius with his family, a man and a son of three months.

"Up to now, my husband and I have been very successful at reconciling our family and our career My husband is a designer and this kind of creative work makes it easy to plan daily activities. and when my husband works, when he travels, he can spend time with his friends, and when I'm at home, we try to work together, of course, when a son is born, a lot will change and we still do not know how.As the child feeds me, coming to Lithuania will be his first trip abroad, "said Jael.

St. A concert organizer in Cottrells Church, Switzerland, said that appearances in small spaces have many benefits.

"In smaller rooms, the faces of the public can be seen, creating a more pleasant atmosphere than I love." Between the songs I like to communicate with the public, tell the story of the creation of the works that I have done.In the meantime, it is more difficult to maintain comfort in the big arenas, because because of the bright lighting, I do not see any listeners, Moreover, if people are great, the atmosphere becomes automatically dynamic and exciting.When I sang in the group, our concerts were held in larger venues, with more than 40 people. effects, shows and dance elements.For the moment, my concerts are pretty quiet, they do not require additional entertainment details, so I will focus on the performance of the song. singing, I close my eyes and try to really feel the song ", – said the performer.

The jazz concert of the most popular Swiss singer, Jaak, is for the first time already on Wednesday, July 25 at 19h. St. Catherine's Church. In the romantic performance "Jael: The Queen of Hearts" will play the compositions of the singer of the author. The pianist Cédric Monnier, the concert singer Larissa Bretscher and the Klaipėda Chamber Orchestra (artistic director Mindaugas Bačkus) will play together with the singer

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