This eclipse will touch everyone: he said, who is waiting


On July 13, 2018, at 6:04 Lithuanian time, the solar eclipse will occur on the zodiac sign Cancer. The eclipse will be partial, the Moon will cover a third of the solar disk.

The point of eclipse will take place in the 21st degree of the zodiac marker Cancer and will form an exact opposition with Pluto (Capricorn) and Trinity with Neptune (Pisces).

Each eclipse activates some topics that become the most important eclipse of the eclipse. Cancer is symbolically linked to family, roots, motherhood, childhood, feelings and emotions, pasamoimon, the inner world, intuition and the need for security. It's a sign of care and a desire to take care of it.

Capricorn symbolically badociated with supreme power, social and professional achievements, order and law, power. These are rules to which we are subject (laws) and moral values ​​(which we create for ourselves). These are the limits and the rationality. Thoughtful planning and consistent pursuit

What can we expect to get on the day of the eclipse (plus plus minus 3 days):

The Eclipse energy is pretty tense and requires a transformation . This means that we will turn in one way or another (something sweet, daring) towards their personal needs, feelings and desires, and force them to abandon the norms and standards imposed on them. . The intuitions can be intuitive, in the form of dreams. Or we will simply experience the personal actor with the facts that repress and restrain us, and the intuitive knowledge / perception of what is best for me / you.

Events that may be difficult to influence at this time may occur. It is significant to accept any change and not to resist it. We must be open to inevitable changes in life.

The strongest effects of the eclipse are:

The strongest effect is promised to wizards and goats, and to all those who have personal planets in these signs of the zodiac. Also for those whose Ascendant is in Capricorn, Cancer.

Safety measures during the eclipse:

to refuse any surgical and medical procedures in these days; circumvent the mbades of people who gather; Exemption from all types of drugs, drugs or psychoactive substances


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