This year, Apple will release three new models of iPhone? –


January 2019 11 d. 4:05:03 p.m.
Darius Mikutavičius, Elta

This year, Apple plans to launch three new iPhone models with three rear cameras in the most expensive model and two rear cameras in the other two models, says the Wall Street Journal.

The new iPhone phones will be the successors of XR, despite its demanding demand which, according to Apple, has led to a decline in sales in China.

The California company has decided to use liquid crystal displays (LCDs) in the new models, according to a newspaper, based on informed sources.

According to sources, Apple will continue to use LCD screens in phones while technology production plans were approved a few months ago, Wall Street Journal said.

However, starting in 2020, Apple smartphones will no longer have LCDs, they will be replaced by organic light-emitting diode (OLED) displays, the newspaper said.

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