This year, more than 32 months, properties sold in auctions and auctions have been sold. euro


e. According to the Center Center, this year the bailiffs (3,030,802), the value of auctioned goods, were announced by the market in the first half of 2018. In the first half of 2018, 6,060 offers and auctions were published , while 885 auctions and 162 auctions were published

reached 16.5 million The largest share was traditionally made up of real estate. On the initiative of the bankruptcy administrators, 2,094 calls for tenders were announced (83 took place), the value of the badets sold in the latter setting to 9 million. That's one-third more than the value of badets sold in the first half of 2017.

The municipality issued 533 auctions this year, 93 of which were held, and the value of the badets sold was 39. rose to 3 million. euro This year, the number of municipalities participating in the auction has increased several times: 7 municipalities took part in the auction last year, and this year already 25 municipalities. At the initiative of the Land Bank, 398 auctions were announced in one semester, 68 were sold, badets sold for 3.4 million.

Among the items sold this year in the bailiffs competitions for 880,600. land with a building in Vilnius (initial price – 868.9 thousand euros) was sold in euros; for the first 356 900 1.66 hectares of land sold in the city of Vilnius; for 325,3 thousand A plot of land of 0.1 ha with buildings in Klaipėda (initial price – 280,8 thousand euros) has been transferred. Directors of bankruptcy in Klaipėda for the initial 730 thousand. the price was over 3 thousand. kv. m of the administrative building, more than 30 thousand. kv. m spinning workshop, mechanical workshop and transformer, as well as lease rights for commercial land of 1.19 ha for 4.5 mln.

The largest amounts are paid for the complex realization of real estate objects in the major cities of Lithuania – Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda

The distinctive objects often sell exceptional and promising real estate objects, for example the Manor Belveder in the district of Jurbarkas. , the starting price of the barn and the complex of the chapel – about 330 thousand.

Analogue – example of Lentvaris mansion. The mansion acquired by a businessman in Lentvaris is one of the most extraordinary objects sold several years ago in the competition. The mansion in the picturesque landscape Lentvaris was sold in the second campaign for 540 thousand.

When selling competing real estate objects of the same nature, the principle of complexity is generally observed in order to keep the complexes in one hand.

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