Photo: AP – Scanpix
Photo. AP – Scanpix
At the Los Angeles Lakers Club, Isaiah Thomas finished last season in the fall in another team.
Journalist Adrian Wojnarowski announces that the 29-year-old defender has received a one-year offer from the Denver Nuggets team
According to the same source, Thomas will earn 2 million in Colorado for a year contractual.
In recent days, Thomas Las Vegas has met Nuggets coach Micheal Malone and club basketball operations president Timo Connelly to discuss opportunities for a player to join the club. ;team. Malone Thomas has already trained in the Sacrament Kings team for the 2013-2014 season.
Thomas now sees Denver as an opportunity to prove his chances by increasing his value on a playable team. Next summer, he will be a free agent and will be waiting for a more lucrative contract.
Tokyo Thomas was hoping a year ago, but a sore throat mixed all the cards and cost him 8 months of rehabilitation. In the summer he was converted to Cleveland Cavaliers, where Thomas did not open. Later, he sent the same team to the Los Angeles Lakers of the Ohio State Team.
During the last season, he scored 15.2 points on average, took over 2.1 points, and scored 4.8 on the score. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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