Those who want to lose weight can eat bread




A composition of quality, balanced and balanced bread is an appropriate part of a healthy diet, believing that Vaida Kurpienė. Unlike a well-established specialist nutritionist, the expert says that a properly selected bread can not only enrich the body with valuable substances, but also, contrary to what is commonly believed, is not the only way to improve the body. does not prevent thinning. According to V. Kurpienė, today, the big bakers pay great attention to the composition of products, because they respond quickly to the changing needs of consumers

and to increasing expectations. As a result, store shelves are constantly expanding in choices for those who want to eat healthy, maintain body lines or even lose weight.

"The myth that just eating bread" closes the stomach and increases body weight.Here, as in all cases, the rule applies: you do not need to be too s & rsquo; Different bread ingredients have a different effect on the human body, and the right way of making bread products not only provides valuable energy, but also a lasting sense of wellbeing. quality with valuable additives, such as oily fish or salad, we feel full of strength, do not have the desire to nibble.So it does not harm the figure, "says V. Kurpienė, and hurry to explain how to choose the right path.

It gives a sense of satiety

According to V. Kurpienė, nutritionist, in order to extend the body lines and actually It is important to avoid the feeling of excessive hunger that the kilograms that are dissolved do not come back soon. "By eating, you will feel quickly satiated, but the feeling of being so saturated will be short-lived – you want to snack again and again, so during the day, collecting large amounts of" empty "calories. Therefore, dishes and snacks among them must be evaluated, "says V. Kurpienė.

Thus, bread – whole grains or made from cereals richer in protein, such as oats – is an ideal choice. "It is also an excellent addition to the added grains in the bread: millet, spelled or miscellaneous.The less processed cereals and cereals contain a lot of useful substances, they provide a longer and more lasting feeling of satiety and, by therefore, the desire to overeat or nibble the poor products is greatly reduced, "says Kurpienė.Whey proteins are found in bread – milk or whey powder, wheat germ, even more protein in the whey. oats or whole wheat flour.The amount of protein in the bread is always written on the package – a good choice if 100 grams of bread are 10 grams or more of protein.

"You have to pay attention to sugar in the bread – you can also check its quantity. Perfect if 100 grams of bread contain 2 grams or less of sugar. It is advisable not to contain sugar in a 100 grams of sugar in the range of 5 grams, otherwise I will attribute the bread to the cake category ", – Kurpienė V. said Kurpienė also points out that oats or whole grains of bread increase the amount of fiber they contain, improving the functioning of digestion and elimination systems, which are used late to maintain the current weight or to obtain more extensive forms. 19659005] "In the case of less processed grains or whole grains of bread, such an effect on the fibers of the human body. For example, oats, millet, spelled, slurry (called purple people) or broken grains. Without a doubt, the huge contribution to the improvement of the digestive system gives the body extra fiber and wheat bran, oats or rye. In addition, these ingredients in the bread also provide a feeling of satiety. So, in order to maintain body shape or even lose weight, it is best to choose a type of bread that contains fiber or bran. Look for the ingredient list for these ingredients, and the amount of fiber will be listed in the nutrition chart. Ideally, when 100 grams of bread are 4-5 grams or more, "V. Kurpienė believes.

It is possible to speed up the metabolism

The nutritionist also points to various seeds which bakery products often baked, for example pumpkin or sunflower as well as linseed

"Such seeds are so-called unsaturated fatty acids, which provide the human body with a range of 39; benefits. They provide a greater sense of well-being, and fat helps promote pleasure hormones. In addition to helping to ensure proper functioning of the nerves, the brain, the heart, they are also relevant for those who want to lose weight, since the copper, zinc and manganese present in them speed up the metabolism. The high-temperature cooking of unsweetened fats breaks down, but the break-up temperature does not reach the bread, so the human body gets all the benefits, "says V. Kurpienė

. seeds is usually more caloric. such portions of the bread. "Because I love to eat more, I personally grill the bread," he smiles

Neutralizes the Harmful Substances

Finally, V. Kurpiene also notes the ingredients that contain antioxidants . According to the nutritionist, these materials not only improve the immune system and help maintain health, but also help neutralize harmful substances found in the body and suppress inflammation. "And when we feel good, we want to eat less of a poor diet and it is easier to dissolve the fat" overcoated "in size," says a nutritionist.

"For example, caraway, which not only improves digestion, but also reduces abdominal distension and stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, is particularly valuable here, for example, for thinning and for all others Human being."

Body benefits include poppy-based bakery products, which contain vitamin B1 and also have a positive effect on the nervous system. The pies are usually peppers, but now this spice is also added to the bread, "says V. Kurpienė

and concludes: the best bread for the perfect figures – the whole grain with as much fiber as possible with the least sugar and spices [ad_2]
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